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Enterprise Mobile Application Development: Comprehensive Guide for 2021

App Development
Feb 27, 2021
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Enterprise Mobile Application Development

With the advent of technologies, mobile app development has become one of the most famous approaches to create software. It is consistently growing with the enhanced popularity of tablets and smartphones. Enterprise mobile application development is in high-demand over other Mobile application developments.

According to reliable sources, the entire enterprise mobile app development market had revenue of 1860M US dollars in 2017 that increased to 2353 Million US dollars in 2019. Currently, it is expected to reach 3388M US dollars at the end of 2023.

Enterprise Mobile Application Data(Source:)

Introduction to Enterprise Mobile App Development

When a person wants to connect with his mobile phone to another person working on a PC, the thing that can make it happen is enterprise mobile application development. While providing the connectivity, it also ensures enough reliability and security measures for your organization.

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A business is needed to make the necessary apps available via Enterprise Mobile App Development on smartphones without taking much time in creation. Various development approaches are used to make mobile applications from no-code and pre-packaged enterprise solutions to customizable mobile apps to integrated development platforms.

The strategy for service-based app development is also becoming approachable for some time, and numerous enterprises are applying it. Mobile enterprise app integration with a cloud-based enterprise system offers a business numerous advantages. It involves enhanced efficiency, decreased operational cost, and full control over the enterprise. Additionally, custom enterprise mobile apps like this have the calibre to make the clone app appropriately leveraged by employees on their computers.

Significant Factors to Keep in Mind for Enterprise Mobile App Development

Significant-Factors to Keep in Mind for Enterprise Mobile App Development

Before getting yourself into the Enterprise Mobile Application Development, ensure you have found out all the necessary points to consider. Look at the following-

Expectations of Employees

While using tablets and mobile phones by employees for specific business tasks, they become addictive to them. So, you have to provide them with a better option to encourage them to use the new app. 

App Development Innovation

There have been many advancements and innovations in mobile app development, so the Enterprise Mobile Application Development Companies should consider them during development. Hire an efficient firm to have scalable solutions.

Software Integration

Integrate your app with the appropriate software to have the practical advantages of the business apps. It allows you to freely approach the needed features. So, you can integrate the app with SAP, 1C, Oracle, etc.

Privacy & Security

If you have decided on app development, keep in mind different elements like transfer, storage, and the firm’s data. Employees will use the app on their mobile phones to collect official and personal data on one device. Have a strong password so that data will be secured enough.

Full Control and Administration

The created final app doesn’t bring many advantages; it takes IT specialists’ efforts and administration. Enterprise Mobile Application Development requires different aspects like training, mobile devices, IT policies, admin, etc.

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Development Stages for Enterprise Mobile Applications

Development Stages for Enterprise Mobile Applications

There are multiple stages included in Enterprise mobile app development. It is the reason why its development process is hard as well as time-taking. Let’s discuss these stages in detail-

Document the Specification

If you have some idea to apply in the enterprise app, then draft it to describe the purpose and requirements. It is needed to identify the target market and audience to know about their expectations. All the gathered data must be shown in the specification documents. 

Choose the App Platform. 

The most complex stage where you have to decide which platform is more suitable for your app to target the specific audience. You have two choices for this- iOS and Android. You can go for the one, or you can opt for both. But firstly, you have to know which platform has more of your target customers. Consider the platform as per your preferences.  

Have a Wireframe 

While having Enterprise Mobile App Development Services, you can have its prototype (Mobile app model) to know about the app’s capabilities and functions. It is a significant step to see how your mobile enterprise app will look in the future? It will provide you with an opportunity to change the things in its development phase as it will be a working tested model, and you can save a lot of resources and time as well.

App Design

An intuitive and user-friendly design is the first thing that attracts the customer to use the app. So, do you know what users want? Your app can’t get success without good design and proper functionality. Your hired Enterprise Mobile App Development Company has to not include unnecessary functions in the app. Please keep it simple and entertaining for your enterprise.


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App Development 

It is the most complex and challenging segment of creating a mobile app. Suppose you can handle this part. Then you won’t have major issues in other parts. Please hire a skilled and experienced firm for Enterprise Mobile Application Development. Create a mobile app based on all the needs and expectations.

Testing Phase

After the whole development, it is time to test the developed application by your employees. They will be the best to test the app as they are the end-users after all. Although the firms have their own QA section and they find and remove all the errors, but beta testing will help you to find more inappropriate functions in the app. 

Profits Offered by Enterprise Mobile Application Development 

Businesses have integrated enterprise app development to have high revenue via great productivity and automation. A mobile application has so much to offer like portability, high data privacy and security, and support with other devices. Following are the more benefits of Enterprise Mobile App Development.

Change in Data Management 

Managing and processing the data needs a lot of effort, including data verification, analysis, and alteration.

Payment and Accounting

It helps manage various things like notifications, transactions, controlling payment deadlines, etc., it has different features as per the business goals.

Mobile Accounting 

It is beneficial to take Enterprise Mobile App Development services from a firm to help you view employee created information through mobile phone. You can also edit those reports.

Focusing on Goals

Business apps can help your firm to concentrate on its primary tasks and goals. It also decreases the amount of documentation and alleviates human errors via data processing, automated marketing campaigns, and transaction management.

Supply Chain Control

Firms use mobile apps to handle the supply chain elements and many transportation management features, courier work control, and detailed planning. It also improves overall business efficiency.

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Requisite Features through Enterprise Mobile App Development Services 

When you hire an Enterprise Mobile Application Development company, you expect them to include advanced features into your app to enhance the employee’s productivity and decrease the processing business cost. It is possible via these below-shown app features-

  • Accessibility across multiple platforms
  • Real-time analytics & smooth connectivity 
  • Offline mode available with functionalities
  • Push notifications
  • Cloud storage for business data 
  • AI-backed robust support system

Evaluated Cost to Manage for Enterprise Mobile Application Development

Evaluated Cost to Manage for Enterprise Mobile Application Development

There are many things involved in the overall cost of an Enterprise Mobile Application Development.

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These factors are responsible for the increment or decrement in the estimated app development cost. Take a look at these aspects-

A Core App Development Team

A basic team is needed if you want appropriate app development. This core team will include various members, and they can differ the app cost. Collab with the right professional persons to end up with a premium-quality app solution. Take good care of all the project steps from project planning to post-launch updates. The basic team requirements are-

  • A project manager 
  • Business analyst
  • Software engineer
  • UI/UX designer
  • Back-end developer
  • QA engineer 

Suitable App Platform

If you have chosen the right operating system for the app, it is the time to decide the right way to create your app. You have to stimulate whether you want to have native or cross-platform app development. Native app development will only provide you with an app for one platform either for Android or iOS, but cross-platform app development will allow your app on both the platforms, be it Android or iOS. 

App features

If you only want basic features for Enterprise Mobile Application Development, it will not cost you much, but if you want advanced features. It will increase the app development cost.

So, by considering all the above factors, it can be estimated that Enterprise Mobile App Development’s cost will be above $50,000. It can vary as per your app needs.

Go for A White-label Mobile Application Development company

After looking at this best guide for White-label Enterprise Mobile Application Development company 2021, now surely you are looking for a prominent mobile app development company who can provide you with customized or white-label mobile app solutions. Then, end your search with BR Softech, we are here to offer you quality services with our skilled team of software engineers. Be fast and connect with us for further guidance.


Saloni Agrawal

I am a passionate and full-time writer with experience in academic writing and blogs related to the IT sector, High-tech, and lifestyle. I’ve grown my skills of content writing with the time and have keen interest in learning and exploring new things.

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