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Hyper Casual Game Development Company- A Complete Guide

Game Development
Apr 13, 2024
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Hyper-Casual Game Development & Cost

Are you interested in Hyper Casual Game Development, and looking for a hyper-casual game development company that can give a perfect shape to your game idea with exceptional features and functions? If yes, this blog is for you! Here, we are going to discuss hyper-casual games, statistics, the development process, game engines, monetization strategies, and also popular games so you can clear all your doubts and make an informed decision to develop your hyper-casual game application. 

Online Hyper Casual games are making headlines in the gaming industry. The genre has been revived since its inception in the 1980s. These games are renowned for straightforward gameplay with simple mechanics like turning, rising, stacking, etc., and require minimal effort by the users. Unlike other competitive games, these games have no leaderboards or rankings. They are played solely for fun and target a massive audience. That’s why, Hyper Casual game app development has become the talk of the town as the recently revived popularity has boosted the revenue potential of this gaming genre. 

Let’s dive in-depth to learn how a hyper-casual game development company creates a hyper-casual game. But, before this, let’s know about the hyper-casual games.

What are  Online Hyper Casual Games?

The main characteristics of hyper-casual games online are flat gameplay, simplistic mechanics, and instant gameplay. These games often have short game sessions and engaging gameplay. In the hyper-casual genre, players usually focus on one main mechanic like stacking tiles or tapping. 

However, the games still pose a challenge and are universally appealing. These games offer players an easy way to play but a difficult time mastering them, encouraging them to play again. 

Hypercasuals are a revival of arcade games from the ’70s and ’80s. However, this genre is known for snackable content that can be enjoyed in short bursts like waiting in line. Hyper casual games online have a greater chance of going viral and scaling quickly than other game genres.

Let’s have a look at the statistics of these games so you can know the future and scope of hyper-casual games.

Hyper Casual Game Statistics

  • In 2019, the hyper-casual genre was responsible for over 45% of mobile game installs recording over 7.8 billion downloads
  • By 2020, the total number of downloads rose to 11.8 billion. Currently. The hypercasual market recorded revenue of over $3 billion
  • Gone are the days when video games were only targeted at youngsters. The change in the demographic is a significant factor in the rise of hyper casual games. Over half of all mobile gamers are women and over one-third of them are over the age of 45.
  • Moreover, hyper-casual gamers download 10 times more apps and watch 2 times more ads than players of any other gaming genre.

Step-by-Step Development Process of Hyper Casual Games

Hyper Casual Game Development Process

Want to build your hyper-casual game platform? If yes, here, we are going to discuss the comprehensive development process so by following that you can successfully bring your innovative mobile game idea to life. Hyper Casual game development is easier than advanced AAA titles. The simplistic gameplay and limited game mechanics make the developer’s job a lot easier. 

Let us start to know the designing and development process of hyper casual games. 

1. Character Designs

Hyper Casual mobile games don’t require a lot of characters. This gaming genre doesn’t require a main character or protagonist to drive the game’s story and gameplay. The focus is primarily on gameplay and game mechanics. You can include characters in your game but keep in mind that their role isn’t fundamental to the game. 

2. Visual Designs

Hyper casual game art and design are simple and stunning. The aim is to create a visual experience that is bold, beautiful, and minimal. Avoid flashy visuals and a complex UI. The main characteristics of hyper casual games online are simplicity, trying to focus on the same elements and implementing them in your game designs. 

  • Keep the palette focused and calibrated to maximize impact. The user should immediately grasp what the game is about with a simple interface that isn’t flashy.
  • Make sure the shapes the user sees on the screen reflect the elegance of hyper-casual games. As bare as the game environment might be, it also needs to be beautiful.
  • Using white space to your advantage is spatial dynamics. Don’t overload the area with unnecessary elements. Just make sure what’s essential has enough breathing room.

3. Game Mechanics

The game mechanics are the most important element of the hyper casual game development process. They should be polished and provide a seamless gameplay experience. These types of games don’t rely on heavy graphics or world-building. Gameplay mechanics are essential to hyper casual games. There are various types of mechanics in the hypercasual genre. 

  • Playing rising/falling gameplay enables you to move objects vertically in space, usually to avoid obstacles.
  • Tap-Timing Games: In tap/timing games, players tap the screen as needed to navigate an environment or accomplish a particular objective – like Super Mario Run.
  • Dexterity Games: Dexterity gameplay requires users to tap a screen in a specific pattern to pass a level – like Tap Tap Revenge Tour.
  • Merging Games: Users can unite elements that look alike – and avoid those that don’t – to accomplish a goal by merging gameplay.
  • Stacking Games: With stacking gameplay, the user stacks objects together to reach a goal – like in Tetris.
  • Growing Games: Players are tasked with creating larger and larger objects by eating other elements – like Snake.
  • Turning Games: In turn gameplay, you swipe or tap to turn left or right at just the right moment.
  • Swerving Games: Playing with swerves is similar to turning, but the user must keep their finger on the device while doing so.
  • Puzzle Games: A puzzle game requires players to use only a limited number of movements to solve a problem.

    To simplify your hyper casual game development process, you can hire a professional and reliable hyper casual game development company that can provide the best software solutions for your game. 
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Hyper Casual Game Engines

Hyper Casual Game Engines

The foremost thing to do is choose a game engine for hyper casual game development. Hyper Casual game engines are the base on which the whole game is created. There are plenty of options in game engines. Your best bet will be to choose a game engine that will help you develop a game that will be able to run efficiently on multiple platforms. Some popular game engines preferred by hyper-casual game publishers are- 

1. Unity

Hyper Casual games developed using Unity have existed since 2005 and its compatibility with Android and iOS makes it one of the most popular game engines out there. The source code of these games runs smoothly on Unity. That’s why, you can operate these games on phones that have slow processors. Unity is fairly complex to use but the plethora of Hypercasual guides and video tutorials on the internet make it a viable choice among game developers.

2. Unreal Engine

Game engines like Unreal are more commonly used than Unity. Epic Games developed the platform and introduced it in 1998. Unreal Engine Developers favor Unreal 3D features, but it requires more processing power than Unity. Hyper Casual games Unreal Engine perform efficiently on multiple platforms and provide seamless and smooth gameplay.

3. BuildBox

It may be best to use BuildBox if you do not know how to code. You can easily piece together hyper-casual game art with its visual programming interface. You can select from dozens of assets and animations in BuildBox, supporting 2D and 3D development. It is one of the best hyper casual mobile game engines for people who don’t have any prior technical knowledge. 

4. GameMaker Studio 2

You can also use GameMaker Studio 2 if you are not comfortable coding. A drag-and-drop visual programming language is integrated into it, along with C++ and C#. Despite GameMaker Studio 2’s lack of 3D animation support, the platform offers excellent 2D development tools. Hyper Casual games online provide simple gameplay and don’t require 3D animation and graphics. They can be built using effective 2D game development tools

5. Lumberyard

The Lumberyard engine is a free service offered by Amazon. The platform is based on CryEngine, but it features several new features and tools. AWS integration with Lumberyard allows you to build and host your development projects in the cloud.

Acquire Game Assets

The development team starts with creating game assets like art and music. However, in the case of hyper casual mobile games, this step is not necessary. Instead, art assets can be purchased and used in your game after a little tweaking. This will help reduce the development cost of the hyper-casual game and also the team’s time and effort. Some game engines like BuildBox come with prebuilt investments which can be used in your game. 

Prioritize Gameplay over the Theme

Thematic frameworks are usually used for mechanics in hyper-casual game development. Hyper Casual games online do not use these frameworks. Developers instead choose an engaging mechanic, refine it, and design the whole game around it.

Build a Prototype

After choosing your game assets and mechanics, create a functioning prototype and optimize it. Concentrate on short gameplay loops which players can complete within 30 seconds to a minute, at which point they can reset their progress or move on to the next challenge.

Ad Placements

To generate revenue from your online hyper casual game, you’ll need to implement in-app ads before releasing your app to the public. Publishers cannot specify which ads will be displayed in the game, but they can select ad placement options. Interstitials deployed between gameplay loops tend to be the most effective placements. Additionally, you may want to incorporate opt-in advertisements that unlock in-game bonuses in exchange for viewing advertisements, like offer walls.


Global launches are ideal for Hyper casual game publishers aiming to cater to the worldwide market. Hyper Casual games are famous across the globe, so global launches are beneficial for higher revenue. Nevertheless, you should conduct a soft launch with a small audience in low-cost regions before launching the game in mass markets. In addition to improving game systems, soft launches allow advertisers to optimize placements to maximize ad engagement.

Mobile Monetization Partner

Hyper casual mobile game development is a massive undertaking, regardless of whether you’re creating your first app or an entire portfolio. For this reason, finding partners with experience will ensure your titles get the results they deserve. Through data-driven campaign optimization, Moloco helped mobile publishers acquire users and earn revenue for nearly a decade.


Hyper Casual Game Development Cost

Hyper Casual game app development doesn’t require a vast amount of capital. The simplistic gameplay and simple mechanics coupled with seamless hyper casual game designs make it a very affordable venture. Since there are not a lot of components that need designing or development, the cost of hyper casual game development is fairly cheaper when compared to games of other genres. You might be interested to know how to make android mobile game.

However, there are still various factors that influence the overall cost of developing casual games. These are some of the most essential factors that should be taken into account- 

  • The Location of the Developers
  • The Complexity of the Features
  • Cross-platform Compatibility
  • Level of Graphics
  • Technology Stack

On average, the Hyper casual game development cost ranges from $10,000 to $20,000. However, if you want to develop a cross-platform game application, the price can shoot up to $30,000-$50,000.

Also, keep in mind that this is an approximate estimate and the actual cost may differ according to your requirements and the factors mentioned above. 

If you are looking for an exact cost estimate, you can contact a Hyper casual game app development company


Key Features of Hyper Casual Mobile Games

Hyper Casual Mobile Games have distinguishable key features that make them a cut above the rest. Explore the best features in hyper-casual games that should be included- 

Instant Gameplay

  • No levels to choose from, preloading, or plot inserts.
  • Even the background of the start screen is gameplay. When the user clicks on the start button, the game begins.
  • The gameplay is simple and does not contain many details.
  • Provides simple level-1 tutorials to get started
  • After the game is launched, players can begin playing within five seconds.

Requires Concentration

  • From the start of the game, until the level is completed, there are no breaks.
  • The game can be lost just by lifting the user’s attention for a moment.


  • As in Helix Jump, the player will have only one goal throughout, which is to guide the ball down the spiral maze while controlling the maze.
  • Adding new obstacles or making levels harder would keep the game interesting.

The Moderate Use of Components

  • Simplicity is the key to gameplay.
  • The game’s various components should all be used moderately.
  • During gameplay, the user should not be distracted by audio, graphics, or controls.

Simple Monetization Model

  • In-app purchases do not drive more revenue from hyper-casual games.
  • An advertisement is the primary revenue source for a hyper-casual game. Promotions can be in the form of banners, video ads, rewards, etc.

Monetization Strategies for Hyper Casual Games

Monetizing a hyper casual game will be a herculean task as gamers only use these types of games for fun and don’t commit fully to the gameplay. Publishers typically don’t see a high conversion rate for these types of games because of low user commitment. 

Due to this, publishers use less demanding monetization strategies like rewarded ads, banners, and interstitials for revenue generation. However, this doesn’t mean that hypercasual games aren’t profitable. Many hyper-casual games have topped the charts and become a trendsetter in the gaming industry. Just look at Among Us. 

Banner Ads

Users do not have to divert their attention from playing games to view banner ads, the lowest friction method. These characteristics have a downside: Publishers usually do not generate the same revenue with alternative methods. However, users may have fewer negative feelings when using them.

Rewarded Ads

Benefits are accrued to both parties from rewarded ads. For viewing ads, players are rewarded with in-game rewards. Combining these factors usually results in high earnings for publishers, effective campaigns, and satisfied users.

Interstitial Ads

Users are most concerned with interstitial ads, which interrupt the game’s flow without offering anything in return. However, this monetization method is not as effective as it appears, so testing is essential. These types of ads aren’t received well by the users so we recommend not using them too often. 

The best method of monetization is not the same in every situation. You are likely to incorporate a mixture of techniques in your strategy. Based on the characteristics of your game and your users’ expectations, you’ll find the right combination. Don’t get discouraged if a particular approach does not work for you. Developing the ideal recipe will take time.

Top 10 Online Hyper Casual Games to Play in 2024

Hyper Casual GamesDownloads
Candy Crush Saga1 billion+
Among Us500 million+
Minecraft10 million+
PAC-MAN WORLD Re-Pac100 million+
Crossy Road100 million+
Monument Valley 2 1 million+
Portal 21 million+
Golf Battle50 million+
Angry Birds Journey10 million+
Adventure Capitalist10 million+

Why Choose BR Softech as a Hyper Casual Game Development Company?

With BR Softech, you can work with a team of experts who have experience developing diverse and dynamic hyper-casual mobile games to attract a broad audience.

To provide the best quality game experience, we combine the game’s best mechanics with 3D graphics. Our games offer the ultimate Hyper-casual experience for the users with their simple gameplay, achievements, and addictive experiences. Partner with BR Softech and get- 

  • Experienced Developers
  • Cost-effective Solutions
  • Customised Solutions
  • On-time Delivery
  • Integration of the Latest Technologies
  • 24×7 Customer Support

Final Words

Hyper Casual games are becoming increasingly popular. Games like Among Us and Flappy Bird were developed by independent developers and managed to top the charts in 2020. Hyper Casual game app development is very popular among casual game publishers right now. Simple gameplay and mechanics make it the preferred choice for casual game publishers. There are not a lot of monetization strategies in the hypercasual genre but even then the genre is among the most profitable in the mobile gaming industry.


Frequently Asked Questions(FAQs)

Q.1  What is a Hyper Casual Game Developer?

Ans. Hyper Casual game developers primarily develop hyper-casual games. These developers generally work alone and are often called indie game developers. Games like Among Us and Flappy Bird are made by an indie game developer.

Q.2  How much does a Hyper casual game make?

Ans. Hyper Casual games don’t have a lot of monetization strategies but have the potential to become trendsetters in the gaming industry. Games like Among Us topped the charts and was one of the most popular games of the year 2020.

Q.3  Are Hyper Casual games easy to make?

Ans. The development of simple game mechanics and straightforward gameplay is easier when compared to other genres of games like adventure and fantasy titles which include various features. Hyper Casual game development is comparatively easier compared to other game genres.

Q.4  How do Hyper casual games make money?

Ans. Using typical game monetization strategies doesn’t work on hyper-casual games are players don’t fully commit to the game. It uses monetization strategies like banner ads, reward ads, and interstitials to generate revenue.


Nitin Garg

I am Nitin Garg Founder of BR Softech PVT LTD - an Award-winning mobile game development company. We are armed with 180+ geeks & 2753 clients worldwide, I have driven by the spirit of entrepreneurship and dream to build a billion-dollar-company.

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