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How to Become a Better Node.js Developer

Web Development
Apr 29, 2016
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Node.js Developer

Node.js is an open source which is used for developing server-side web applications. Many modules of node.js is written in JavaScript, but node.js is not a JavaScript framework. Node.js operates on just a single thread which uses non-blocking I/O calls. Many of the corporate users of Node.js software includes GoDaddy, IBM, LinkedIn, Microsoft, Netflix, Walmart ,SAP, PayPal and Yahoo!.

Are you a node.js developer and aspire to be a master in it?

If yes, then here are the tips to become a better node.js developer:

Make use of ES2015: At the time of summer 2015, the final draft of ES2015 was published. There were numerous features which were added to the JavaScript language, which includes: arrow functions, template strings, generators, maps, sets, symbols, promises.
Apart of the aforementioned, there were even more language features which were published. Most of them are also added to Node.js v4.
At the client side, you can use complete list of them by using Babel, a JavaScript Compiler. And on the server side, only those features of the language must be used which are added on to the latest stable version, without the use of compiling the source, which turns to be troublesome.
Callback convention- with the support of Promise: For the last years, we motivated you to expose an error-first callback interface for all your modules. Already generators functions are available, and with the async functions, your modules must reveal an error-first callback interface with Promise support. For providing backward compatibility, a callback interface needs to be provided, and for future compatibility, Promise support is required.
Async Patterns Factor: As of now, in Node.js development, you had 2 alternatives for managing asynchronous flows: streams and callbacks. For callbacks, you can make use of libraries like async and for the streams, highland or bl.
Error handling factor: For an application to be perfect, handling of error is the important factor, knowing when to crash, or simply logging the error and continue/retry can be hard.
For making it plain sailing, differentiation between Programmer errors and Operational errors is must.
Programmer errors are the bugs so that you should crash the process instantly because you will not be able to make out the state of your application.
Operational errors are the problems associated with the systems or a remote service. Looking at the type of the error, you can try to solve by trying, and if any file is missed out, at first you have to create it.
Error handling in callbacks: If an error appears during async operation, the error object will be passed as the first argument of the async function. You need to keep a check on it and handle those errors.
Using JavaScript Standard Style: In the past years, alNode.js included excellent tools like JSLint, JSHint, which made code checking automatic. When coding style is concerned, we make use of JavaScript Standard Style by feross. It has a simple logic, configuration is not required, just drop it in the project.
While beginning new project: When you start a new project, begin with npm init.  This will create a basic package.json. for the project you start. For skipping initial questions and go with the defaults, run npm init- yes.
Monitor your application: It is must to get notified when any wrong step is taken or yet to take, and this will save the time of your business. For monitoring your applications, you can make use of open-soure software plus SaaS products.
Make use of the recent LTS Node.js version: For availing the new features, you must use the latest LTS (Long-Term Support) version of Node.js-they are of even release numbers. Also make use of the brand new feature, Stable release with the odd release numbers.
If you are operating distinct projects with the use of distinct Node.js version requirements, then you must opt for using Node Version Manager-nvm today.
Select the correct Database: While speaking about Node.js and databases, the first technology that clicks is MongoDB.
But you may only require Redis, or if you have structured data, then you can opt for PostgreSQL. If you start making use of SQL in Node.js, check out for knex.
So, if you wish to become expert in Node.js development, this article will be very helpful to you.
BR Softech is the leading Node.js web development company in India, which develops web apps and mobile apps using the latest technology. We are engaged in providing the best in class IT related services to our clients, which gives them 100% satisfaction.


I am the admin of BR Softech PVT LTD - an Award-winning Mobile game development company. My thesis is to work with hard-bit and get the best Exposure. I have driven by the spirit of entrepreneurship and dream to build a billion-dollar-company.

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