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The Best Things to Do with Virtual Reality (VR) in 2024

Dec 10, 2023
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20 Best & Cool Things To Do In Virtual Reality (VR) This Year

Are you fascinated by VR and looking for the best things to do in Virtual Reality? If yes, fret not! This blog will help you to know the best activities that can be done by you in Virtual Reality. Here, we have compiled a list of top things to do in Virtual Reality so you can make an informed decision.

Through computer technology, Virtual Reality creates a virtual environment that can be explored in 360 degrees. You can experience a whole new level of immersion with the best VR apps available right now – especially when compared to those you play on a traditional console. You only need to put on the best VR headset for the best things to do in VR and you’ll feel like you’ve entered a new dimension. When we talk about VR headsets, gaming is one of the most common use cases. With that, there are lots of cool & best things to do in virtual reality (VR) headsets that will amaze anyone. 

You can find all the top virtual reality experiences in this guide, such as shooter games that will keep you glued to your screen or attend performances with live actors that will keep you guessing which one to choose.

Let’s dive in-depth to learn the VR things to do and watch on VR headsets.

What is VR (Virtual Reality) Technology?

What is Virtual Reality Technology(VR)?

As the name suggests, virtual reality (VR) is a simulated experience that can either be similar to the real world or totally different from it. In addition to entertainment and education (e.g., medical education), virtual reality may also be used for business (e.g., virtual meetings). MR (mixed reality) and augmented reality are other types of XR-style technology.

In current virtual reality systems, either virtual reality headsets or multi-projected environments are used to produce realistic images, sounds, and other sensory inputs that reproduce a user’s presence in a virtual world. Virtual reality equipment allows a person to see around the artificial world, move around in it, and interact with virtual objects and features. 

To help you understand the best things to do in VR, we created this blog which helps you to understand how to get the most out of virtual reality.

Also Read: Virtual Reality Game Development Company in India

Would you like to experience a new form of reality that you could not otherwise live? Featuring the Oculus Rift, Samsung Gear VR, and HTC Vive, here are the top virtual reality experiences. Though, This is the list of the 20 best things to do in VR in 2024.

Go! Feel The Sky with Virtual Reality (VR)!

Go! Feel The Sky with Virtual Reality(VR)!

Here is the drop. Let’s look at the acceleration. Upward. A bird’s flight has been captivating humanity for centuries. Many people are now excited about creating realistic flight-like experiences through Virtual Reality.

The best thing to watch on a VR headset, the user lies on a padded, cross-shaped apparatus while simulating flight. The device’s flaps become your “wings” as you soar over the Swiss countryside or over San Francisco’s downtown buildings. The hydraulic mechanism allows the platform to tip forward when you dive into the virtual world, matching the angle of your “bird” body. The speed of the fan changes depending on your flying speed. Throughout the process, the whole body is engaged in order to recreate the experience of flight as realistically as possible.

In different locations around the world, Birdly installations have gone live, allowing the general public to experience flight at different venues such as Swiss consulates, or even the Sundance Film Festival. Keep an eye out to find out when Birdly will be in your town next!

Extreme Mountain Biking with Virtual Reality (VR)

Extreme Mountain Biking with Virtual Reality(VR)

Almost everyone craves adrenaline. It might appeal to you to careen down a path at 40 mph, dodging boulders, your handlebars trembling.

There are three things you need to go extreme mountain biking from your living room without leaving the comfort of your couch. Besides a stationary bike, which should be able to communicate with VR software, you’ll need a high-end VR headset (and related hardware), which at the moment is the Oculus Rift, and an extreme mountain biking app.

This setup can be made better with the following stationary bikes:

It was designed to function seamlessly with VR technologies, such as Activetainment’s Ebove B/01. This device is capable of tilting forward, backward, and to the side in response to what you do in virtual reality. One more VR controller is VirZOOM, which is a stationary bike. PS4 and PC compatibility, as well as compatibility with HTC Vive, Oculus Rift, and PlayStation VR. 

Life-Like Shooter Games with Virtual Reality Headset

Life-Like Shooter Games with Virtual Reality Headset

Is there anything outside the frame? Then you’re not playing shooter games properly if your neurons aren’t screaming that at you. Try cool things to do in VR and see how it works.

With Epic Games’ Bullet Train, you’ll be facing thugs at the train station who will cause havoc. Experience a highly realistic urban setting as the vigilante you’ve been hiding from.

What is the degree of realism in shooter games? If you integrate Bullet Train with the Oculus Rift, they become all too real.

Additionally, you can teleport into a new location, as opposed to trekking from one place to another, which causes motion sickness.

A unique feature of this game is that it is free to download from the App Store and Google Play. It makes it easy for VR newbies to get started.

The title of the game captures its essence pretty well. Players will wear a headset made by Fibrum to experience the game. With this game, you can turn your head 360 degrees just as you would with a flight simulator. Zombie soldiers slouch like killers, and the graphics are sharp.

Also Read: Virtual Reality in Sports – Risks and Revenue Opportunities For Business

Fly a Virtual World War II Fighting Plane with VR Headset

Fly a Virtual World War II Fighting Plane with VR Headset

Before the advent of flight simulators, the video arcade was the closest thing you could get to the experience of piloting a jet without actually being in the cockpit. With virtual reality, that’s all changed. You can now experience flight combat more realistically and immersively than ever before using the Oculus Rift and the right hardware.

It’s possible to do this in several ways – there are several virtual reality flight simulation apps out there – but we’ll describe just one. Check out this cockpit setup!

You don’t have to be an expert to do it yourself. If you don’t have War Thunder yet, you should download it for free. The Oculus Rift is natively supported by War Thunder, which makes it an ideal VR flight game.

Once in the game launcher, select the “Oculus Rift” checkbox in the advanced graphics settings. You’re ready to go!

Ride Real-Life Roller Coasters with Virtual Reality (VR)

Ride Real-Life Roller Coasters with Virtual Reality(VR)

Here’s how you can think about it. A coaster simulator like No Limits 2 is like visiting a theme park for half an hour or so, catching an adrenaline rush, then zipping right back home again.

Feel the gravity by putting your hands in the air! Go upside down.

Visualize a Home or Building Before it’s Actually Built

Visualize a Home or Building Before it’s Actually Built

Especially impressive and cool. It isn’t for everybody, and it’s not fun like a shooter game, but it will do wonders for your frontal cortex, which should be fascinated by what other frontal cortices have achieved.

Virtual reality applications are offered by Arch Virtual to building makers of all kinds. The idea here isn’t to go into your house and film it and then slap a headset on someone at the other end. This is a simulation of a space that has not even been built yet.

Arch Virtual uses computer models, or the building’s blueprints, to create a fully immersive animation of its interior. This looks pretty much like a high-definition video game or Second Life environment. You can examine the stovetop, the floors, and the comforter on the bed when you try on the Oculus Rift D2K. You can look at the cheap seats of a basketball arena as it is being built. It is fascinating.

Therefore, if you have a project that fits, it’s worth checking out. However, it is fun to play around on their site, and it is exciting to see how VR stuff is progressing.

Virtually Visit College Campuses with VR Headset

Virtually Visit College Campuses with VR Headset

There is something magical about college campuses: the spires, the ivy, the games of hacky-sack (Millennials playing video hacky-sack on their phones), the protests. Energizing!

If you’re looking for schools or if your kids are getting to that age, you face the daunting task of traveling a great deal. Travel budget may dictate which schools you choose. Forget it! This is pretty cool because what matters most is to feel the feng shui in a building, right? The walls and the ceilings are all feng shui. Depending on the situation, you can learn how much stuff your kid or you have won’t fit in the dorm room.

Also Read: Top 10 Games like World of Warcraft to Know in 2024

Volvo HoloLens Virtual Reality (VR) Showroom

Volvo HoloLens Virtual Reality(VR) Showroom

The HoloLens Showroom is a pretty futuristic and groundbreaking invention by Volvo and Microsoft. In a showroom, a potential buyer can see a holographic car shimmer in front of their eyes.

By wearing the HoloLens headset, the customer can see the bare bones of the car and add/ change features as needed. The buyer is literally assigned superpowers – she can rotate the hologram in space and lift it off the ground. In addition to getting rid of certain features, s/he adds new ones.

It’s a mixed-reality experience, meaning that the user can see the actual world around him while interacting with something virtually in a way he couldn’t before.

Visit Virtual Real Estate with VR Headset

Visit Virtual Real Estate with VR Headset

If you’re moving to some new place, but don’t want to go out there a lot to look at houses, can we help you? It’s possible. A future homeowner can tour a home virtually in one of the more intuitive VR applications.

The apps that run VR are an important part of the experience, allowing companies to customize their apps.

The pragmatic use of VR is virtual real estate. These types of time and money-saving applications could help VR become more than just a high-tech diversion.

Switch Genders and enter Someone Else’s Body with Virtual Reality (VR)

Switch Genders & Enter Someone Else’s Body with Virtual Reality(VR)

There is a machine called The Machine to Be Another.

Poetry is like that.

Don’t we all have to think big in VR and have fun things to do in VR? Pushing the boundaries? Getting out of our comfort zones?

Some companies are in the process of developing a machine to be another. Swap Genders, a particular Oculus Rift application, is one component. In this case, one of the opposite sexes, to get a better understanding of someone else, all of this is in development.

I’ll assume you’re a man. In this game, you must have a female partner, and both of you must strip down pretty far. Both of you wear headsets, but you also wear cameras on top of the headsets. Catch my drift? She sees the feeds you send her, and you see the feeds she sends her.

As you and she are supposed to mirror each other’s actions, if you rub your hand over your abdomen, she will do the same, seeing, naturally, your stomach while she touches hers.

Create 3D Art You’ve Never Created Before with Virtual Reality

Create 3D Art as You’ve Never Created Before with Virtual Reality

In VR, we can discover beauty in ways we never could before. Sports simulations and action sports are great, but they are just one of the possibilities of VR. It really immerses you into a futuristic world when you use the Tilt Brush VR application!

In movies and comics, you’ve seen images floating in midair. Tilt Brush is designed to let you paint outdoors in front of you, therefore the future can be now.

There are flame-spitting and sparkling varieties of brushes to choose from once that’s done.

Pick a space where you can walk around some dazzling art. The demo video shows that almost any type of image can be created, from representational to abstract. It is simple to use, and even someone without a lot of artistic ability can make doodles, drizzles, or graffiti tags with it. VR enables you to perform creative tasks that would otherwise be impossible. VR is much more than a simulation!

Also Read: Top 10 Games like Fortnite to Play in 2024

Skydiving with Virtual Reality (VR)

Skydiving with Virtual Reality(VR)

Just before you pull the ripcord, what does that second feel like? Are you at the end of your freefall, your dangerous exploration of unimaginable heights?

You can find out if you buy a skydiving package. There are also excellent simulators available. You jump off a little block to get started. There’s no indication of who will be able to use this, when, and where, since it’s centered around an exhibit like one would find at a convention or fair.

Feel Cirque du Soleil Event with VR Headset

Feel Cirque du Soleil Event with VR Headset

A stage filled with llamas, wizards, giant mechanical hands, and women in orange jumpsuits with swirls is the backdrop to this show. In fact, you can essentially be onstage for a Cirque du Soleil performance with Samsung Gear VR and the Cirque du Soleil Kurios app.

Participation isn’t the whole point of VR, right? In order to accomplish this, the producers engineered the experience so that the user becomes one of the show’s curiosities, surrounded and gazed at by others.

Watch a Movie on a 60-Foot Screen with Virtual Reality (VR)

Watch a Movie on a 60-Foot Screen with Virtual Reality(VR)

Cinema’s inventors and practitioners in the 20th century did not intend to make films that would be seen on a 4*6 inch screen. You can now project movies onto a home theater screen using a Samsung Gear VR headset and your Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge or Note5.

Movies and theater experiences are available through Netflix. Theater Void has two functions and missions. If you’re watching a movie on a subway train or at your lawn (if you have the headset with you), it creates a cozy and fun environment. The second benefit, and probably the most important, is that it gives the illusion of watching the film on a huge screen.

Wearing the headset, you enter a virtual living room that resembles a log cabin. There is a large screen in front of you showing you a movie. There are a few other features, but the screen can be adjusted.

Virtual Racing with VR Headset

Virtual Racing with VR Headset

Gaming enthusiasts are always seeking more realism, more sounds and sights, and a more immersive experience. VR is a perfect venue for car racing.

In partnership with Sony’s Project Morpheus, Project Cars are expanding into VR. With plenty of engine noise and spectacular graphics, the experience is pretty intense. It really adds to the sense of realism as you see palm trees, buildings, and guard rails zipping past on either side as you drive-it really transforming what would otherwise be a canned race track into a fully realized world.

At first, this project was all about the Oculus Rift DK1; both Assetto Corsa and Oculus spent some time on other things, and are now interested in bringing the experience back to the newest release of Oculus.

There’s no question that this mixed reality experience is rich and complex.

Virtual Off-Road Experience with VR Headset

Virtual Off-Road Experience with VR Headset

Noise and dust, tight turns, and cool equipment are all part of off-road 4-wheeling. On YouTube, you can get a virtual reality experience of riding in the front seat and experiencing the treacherous terrain up close and personal.

Also Read: Top 7 Trending Virtual Reality Casino Games in 2024

Hit The Waves Virtually While Surfing in Tahiti

Hit The Waves Virtually While Surfing in Tahiti

Because surfing provides so many fun sensations, it is not only glamorous but a bit intoxicating as well. Most of us do not live close to the ocean. The virtual reality experience of surfing is ideal.

With GoPro, you can surf virtually with Facebook. Samsung Galaxy phones are required. This is a good way to showcase the camera’s capabilities. The immersive experience lets you experience Tahiti in 360 degrees, so you can see and feel the waves flying at you however you like.

It goes without saying that VR cool stuff will enable you to feel that wave cresting over your head and curling around you. It’s not for a pretty panorama – that’s the whole point of VR.

Play Instruments in Virtual Reality (VR)

Play Instruments in Virtual Reality(VR)

Some Virtual Reality apps allow you to spawn instruments, like complete drum sets, out of thin air in front of you. This is a great experience because it removes all physical limitations like -space and even noise. You can wear your headphone and enjoy them in a small place. Paradiddle is one of the best examples for people who want to drum and the best things to do in VR.

Meditate in VR

Meditate in VR

If you are looking for distraction-free relaxation after a hectic working day, you can try out meditation apps in VR. If you can’t go out for that, then VR meditation is the best thing to do in VR. Trust me, you will feel rejuvenated after. I recommend checking out Guided Meditation VR, theBlu, or Quest NatureTreks VR. 

Attend Virtual Reality (VR) Performances with Live Actors

Attend Virtual Reality(VR) Performance with Live Actors

“Virtual theatre show “is one of the best things to do this year. You can book a ticket to attend a 40-minute live actor show based on Shakespeare’s The Tempest. The only person who spoke was the live actor who narrated and presented the show. 

To know more:: Go through our website

Besides gaming, VR has some other awesome things to offer

  • Work out in VR
  • Co-work in VR
  • Visit Your Old House & Travel Virtually in VR

Why Choose BR Softech for Virtual Reality Game and App Development?

BR Softech is a leading Virtual Reality software development company that has created a big difference in the Virtual Reality industry by offering innovative and amazing VR applications. With 12+ years of experience, they know how to enrich your VR game idea so it can stay ahead and attract & engage people from every corner of the world. If you are also inspired by Virtual Reality and have an idea and looking for a development partner, share your idea with BR Softech. 

Nitin Garg

I am Nitin Garg, founder of BR Softech PVT LTD - an award-winning mobile game development company known for its excellence in the gaming domain. We have a team of 180+ exceptional professionals & we have a satisfied clientele of 2.7k+ globally. Driven by an entrepreneurial spirit, I aim to elevate BR Softech to a billion-dollar company.

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