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How Can We Create App like Whatsapp clone?

Jul 07, 2017
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App like Whatsapp clone

App like Whatsapp clone

Several attempts have been made in vain to clone WhatsApp as an chat app, but none of them yielded result. Inspite of the fact that it’s competitors have tried to come close to it infact just develop a similar app but still no chat app has able to garner same reputation, usage and demand as WhatsApp.

In order to build a WhatsApp like chat application, one should have a detailed understanding of its functioning mechanism and technicalities.

How Whatsapp Messaging Working Technically?

WhatsApp uses Ejabberd (XMPP) server which facilitates instant message transfer between two or many users on a real-time basis. High reliability and sustainability even under peak traffic the reason why WhatsApp developers chose Ejabberd above anything else.

ERLANG is the programming language used to code WhatsApp. Some changes related to Code restructuring and other some important changes were made to the Ejabberd server to achieve optimal server performance.

Read More: What is Cost to develop Whatsapp Clone ?

Further, Erlang is agile to adapting to instant updates and hot fixes. This is what helps WhatsApp to quickly push the changes to live implementation without requiring restarts.

1. Insights on data transfer in WhatsApp

WhatsApp manages over 50 billion messages a day. The key to smooth data processing lies with the message queue length. The length of the message queue of all the processes associated with a node is monitored.

In case of multimedia messages, contents (audio, video, or image) are uploaded into a HTTP server and are linked with the content and then sent to the receiving node (receiver) in the form of a thumbnail. Based on the user’s preference the content can either be viewed or discarded.

2. Protocol used by WhatsApp

The primary protocol in use is XMPP (Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol).DSL ensures network security and also helps in preventing private data transfer.

As and when message is sent, it is queued on the server. The message waits in the queue until the recipient reconnects to receive the message. As and when a message is delivered the sender gets notified by a double check mark near the message. Just after the delivery the messages are instantly deleted from the server memory.

This instant deletion from server memory in turn helps WhatsApp keep its resources to a bare minimum. Additionally, Whatsapp uses HTML5 WebSockets which communication technology which facilitates two-way communication.

Enter your mobile number and get registered for WhatsApp. On entering the number, the user will be sent a OTP which once verified by the device will initiate the user to the chat screen.

3. Database management

Mnesia DB is something that handles the heavy-duty task of database management. Mnesia is a multiuser distributed DBMS which also happens to be the default DB of ERLANG. Mnesia assist in achieving quicker request responses, thereby improving the overall efficiency.

FreeBSD is the OS upon which WhatsApp is built. WhatsApp is able to achieve better performance by improvising on the ERLANG based applications and optimizing FreeBSD. For storing multimedia files, the app uses an exclusive web server YAWS.

4. End-to-end encryption

Whatsapp’s end-to-end encryption ensures rocks-solid for safety of text & multimedia content. When you send messages, you phone does the encryption and send it to Whatsapp server. The server gets the replies from the receiver’s end, encrypts it and sends to your smartphone. Now, your phone decrypts the messages and displays it.

Build a Messaging App Like Whatsapp With BR Softech

Having discussed the technicalities of WhatsApp it is time to shift gears over analyzing the possibilities of creating a whatsApp alternative. There are ‘n’ number of messaging applications in the market that appear to be perfect WhatsApp clones app. The reality is many of the attempts of building WhatsApp like apps are failing because they do not follow the technical aspects.

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Well, if we take such apps as an example, it might be quite difficult to understand as they are completely built products. Instead a ready made solution that can help in creating a WhatsApp clone app would be a better learning material.

Summing up:

BR Softech is one of the leading mobile app development company that provides the framework that catalysis the build of an instant messaging application. For example it has developed BR Chat.

Chat business is a big help for people who are looking for some kind of instant information. Also, this is a big source of earning good amount of money. BR Softech has come up with a solution which is similar to whatsapp and viber for Android and Ios. It has various features like online appointment scheduling clone web page with various other essentials. You can find and do unlimited chat with new friends. It is faster solution with easy to use features. Easily send your images ,audio and video to anyone.


I am the admin of BR Softech PVT LTD - an Award-winning Mobile game development company. My thesis is to work with hard-bit and get the best Exposure. I have driven by the spirit of entrepreneurship and dream to build a billion-dollar-company.

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