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How can Software Companies protect their organization from Coronavirus

Mar 06, 2020
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Protect their Organisation/ Company from Coronavirus

Coronavirus outbreaks in India too, and there is no sign of slowing down. With a sudden rise in the case, people are in great fear. Thousands of suspected cases were tested, which till now resulted in 29 confirmed cases of Coronavirus in India. 

Positive testing for Covid-19 Coronavirus was conducted on Italians touring in India. The first three Indians positively tested for Coronavirus are from Kerala and have been released, but are home-quarantined.

What Narendra Modi Said?

Prime Minister Narendra Modi said “there is no need to panic” earlier this week on Twitter and advised the public that the government is “working together” to stop the virus from spreading further.


Modi said Wednesday he would not attend next week’s Holi celebrations — the Hindu festival that marks the start of spring in which revellers are throwing bright-coloured powdered paint -because of advice from experts to avoid mass gatherings. Holi festivities at the presidential.

What are the Effective Ways to protect the organisation from Coronavirus

Provide Useful Information

HR departments should pull together information pertaining to the Coronavirus to create a ready-to-refer instructional guide for employees that not only educates them about the viral infection but also enlists ways to avoid it.

The communication strategy should be multi-pronged and use all channels of communication available.

Working Arrangement Plans

Companies must take serious precautions in relation to eliminating the chances of coronavirus outbreaks. A proper working atmosphere is required that gives ease to employees. The work location should be out of any infected virus, and regular cleaning needs to be done with sanitisers.

Provide Face Masks

The organisation should take care of its employees in order to do so; They must provide them with a quality face mask which helps them to keep it safe. Proper usage of masks reduces the chances of coronavirus outbreaks and makes a positive working culture. 

Proper Arrangement of Sanitizers

Most doctors advise using alcohol-based sanitizers to avoid chances of viral infections. Inform them to wash their hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after going to the bathroom, before eating, and after blowing nose, coughing, or sneezing.

Give Work from Home Option

Numerous companies require employees to quarantine at home before returning to work if they have travelled to affected areas before a ban on travel.

Encourage potential employees to work from home when they feel sick — and stay at home for one or two weeks or till everything is fine. Organisations that are unusual for remote work will reassure workers that they should not be worried about losing their jobs or receiving a bonus if they have to miss work during a crisis. 

Avoid Meetings & Conferences

Avoid commencing meetings and conferences in outside countries and also maintain distance between yourself at this moment the most. Travelling to some other place is the reason behind the accelerating of coronavirus infections. 

All in all,

Those organisations who are suspected can book a doctor from the doctor appointment app and consult with them regarding the symptoms any of their employees are facing. There is no need to worry people just need to follow the guidelines and should take more care of their health and hygiene in the office time.

Nitin Garg

I am Nitin Garg Founder of BR Softech PVT LTD - an Award-winning mobile game development company. We are armed with 180+ geeks & 2753 clients worldwide, I have driven by the spirit of entrepreneurship and dream to build a billion-dollar-company.

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