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OFC Poker Game Development Company In 2024

Game Development
Mar 27, 2024
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OFC Poker Game Development

Are you looking to develop an OFC Poker game for your online business? If yes, this blog is for you! In this blog, we will discuss different aspects of creating a gaming app for the OFC Chinese poker game so that you can make informed decisions.

Open face Chinese Poker online is one of the most popular variants of Chinese poker that has surpassed the popularity of many card games like baccarat, rummy, Texas Hold’em Poker, etc. This card game is played among all age groups across the world. Moreover, the perception of poker has changed drastically, earlier it was a hobby but now various gaming entrepreneurs are considering OFC poker game development as an enormous business opportunity.

If you’re also looking to make a strong foothold in the online gambling industry then you are at the right place! Let’s explore the enthralling aspects of developing an app for the Open Face Chinese game.

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What is the OFC Poker Game?

OFC poker is a famous variant of the Chinese poker card game. It is considered a game of skill that is played between two to three players with a standard card deck consisting of 52 playable cards. Open face Chinese poker is also known as pineapple poker, the main objective of the player is to make the best 13-card hand which they must arrange in three different rows.  To achieve this, the players need to make three unique hands consisting of a top hand of three cards, a middle hand of five cards and a bottom hand of five cards.

This poker game is based on points as compared to other poker games that are played with chips. It follows a pre-arranged points system which is based on the fact that players earn points for making unique hands in sync with the standard poker hand rankings. OFC poker follows the same hand rankings as other variants like Texas Hold’em and Omaha Poker.

Popular Variants of OFC Poker Game

Popular Variants of OFC Poker Game

Here are the two popular variants of the OFC gaming app:

1. Pineapple Open Face Chinese Poker 

This variant of OFC poker is quite different from its standard format. Here, a maximum of 3 players can play the game. Here 3 cards are dealt to each player at a time, they have to set 2 cards and discard 1 from the hand until the 13-card combination is achieved. This 13-card combination is termed Fantasyland in the Pineapple Open Face Chinese Poker App, if a player achieves Fantasyland then he/she can discard 1 card from the 14 new cards.

Although, the rules of Fantasyland are similar to the standard format. However, the full house is dispensed during the middle of the game.

2. Double Deck Open Face Chinese Poker

As compared to the previous variant, more players can play double-deck open face Chinese poker. Here, the two decks are shuffled together and both are stacked together.

However, the rules of this variant are similar to the standard variant of the OFC poker app or other single-deck card games.

Also Read:- Best Online Poker Earning Apps in 2024

Key Features of OFC Poker Game

Key Features of OFC Poker Game

In this section, we will highlight the features that an online OFC poker game developer should provide.

1. Admin Panel

The admin panel is an interface that comes with features and functionalities that are only accessible by the admin.

Admin control panel: With this feature, the admin has the power to add more players, game tables, and full house advantage inside the game app. Moreover, this feature allows the admin to delete or ban any player from the OFC poker game’s database.

Admin dashboard: Using this feature, an admin can efficiently access the database of the game which comes in different forms like chats, event reminders, upcoming matches, famous rewards, and a lot more.

Player database: The player database allows the admin to monitor user data like registration details, player’s performance, etc.

Gameplay optimization: It enhances the gameplay by optimizing multiple gameplay operations such as shuffle speed, card swapping, etc.

Payment integration: this is one of the most important features when it comes to open face Chinese poker app development. Using this feature, an admin can monitor the functioning of multiple payment gateways and total Open Face Chinese poker game revenue with various filters like daily, monthly, or custom date revenue.

Policy update: As the name suggests, the policy update feature allows the admin to update the game rules, policies, and guidelines.

Rake monitoring: For every bet, some amount of rake is deposited directly into the admin’s account. An admin can use this feature to track the total rake amount to date.

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2. User Panel 

The user panel comes with features that are only meant for the players, The following are the features that an online OFC poker game developer should provide in the game application.

Winnings: People play open face Chinese poker game to earn real money. This feature is integrated with highly secured elements that allow the user to withdraw their winnings safely.

User log-in: This interface helps the user to log in or sign up for the game using an in-built email address or social media handles like Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, Google+, etc.

Live Chatting: It lets the users interact with each other, send message requests, discuss the game stats, and a lot more within the game.

Make new friends: Using this feature, a user can send friend requests to other players. When the friend request is accepted by the player, they can enjoy playing in private rooms with their friends which enhances the gameplay experience.

Tech support: Tech support is essential when it comes to open face Chinese poker tournament development. If a user is stuck in the middle of the game’s interface or has a query about any issue then he/she can contact live tech support.

Live feeds: This feature allows the user to keep their eye on crucial data such as the highest bets of the day, upcoming events, famous strategies, and much more.

Also Read:- Online Best Games Similar to Zynga Poker

OFC Poker Game Development Process

There are various steps involved in the development of the OFC poker game. Let’s dive into the development process and explore the details of the same. To develop a OFC poker game you will need to hire the best poker game development company.

Market Research

First, it is necessary to research the target market and analyse what are the demands and requirements of users and the market. This will give you a clear-cut perception of your project idea and help you in making informed decisions.

Game Documentation

The next step is to create documentation that is basically a blueprint of your OFC poker game development project that tells how to build a game. It is created by the developer team to organize the process within the team. This document contains everything about the project including, game style, gameplay mechanics, characters, visuals, graphics, sound elements, levels, and more.

Design & Development

In this step, the app interface is designed by the developers with advanced design tools. You must ensure that the user interface of the application is user-friendly so that the average user can easily navigate through the app and understand the features and functions hassle-free.

After the game design, the next step involves the core development of your OFC poker game where the developer team leverage various development tools and tech stacks to develop the app and integrate top-notch features and functionalities.

Testing and QA

When your app for the OFC poker game is developed, it is ten tested by the testing team for the purpose of identifying any error that can deteriorate its performance. For this, game testers make use of advanced testing strategies and tools such as functional testing, bug testing, and more to find out the minuscule bugs. After the testing is successfully completed, your OFC poker gaming app is ready to be deployed on the launch platform.

Launch & Maintenance

The OFC poker game is launched on the platform and promoted using modern promotional strategies in order to expand the reach of your poker OFC game app which helps in increasing your user base. As a prominent poker game development company, we aim to provide 24-hour client support and maintenance services to our clients to keep your OFC poker app up to date in the market.

Also Read:- Top 10 Online Poker Sites to Play in India

Cost to Develop OFC Poker Game


Cost is one of the deciding factors when it comes to Open Face Chinese poker game development. There are many steps involved in developing an OFC poker game app like hiring developers, choosing a tech stack, development platform and more that add up to the overall development cost. For your reference, the cost to develop a fully featured and functioning OFC gaming app ranges between $5000 and $8000. However, you must note that the cost can fluctuate depending on several factors. If you want to get an exact estimation for your project, contact a top poker game developer.

The factors that affect the development cost of poker game are:

  • Location of OFC poker developers
  • Technology Stack
  • Experience and Skills of Development Team
  • Features and Functionalities
  • Project Complexity
  • Development Platform
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Why Choose BR Softech to Develop OFC Poker Game App?

Why Choose BR Softech to develop ofc poker game

BR Softech is highly driven by the reputation of being a top poker game development company with over 12 years of experience in developing robust card games like OFC poker. Our highly skilled developers are proficient in working with the latest technologies and modern programming languages to deliver top-notch Open Face Chinese poker game development solutions to clients across the world. If you are looking to develop a fantastic poker game like OFC then contact us today to get the latest OFC poker game app with fascinating features. Choose us to get the following benefits:

  • Seamless Client Support
  • Highly Customized OFC Gaming Solutions
  • Latest Technology Stack
  • Integration of top-notch features
  • Post-development services and maintenance

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. How much time does it take to develop an OFC poker game for Smartphones?

Ans. It takes at least one to two months to build a new Open face poker game for Android or iOS.

Q. Do you provide customized development services for the OFC poker game app?

Ans. Yes, we provide highly customized OFC poker game apps for our clients.

Q. What technology stack is used to develop the application for this Chinese poker variant?

Ans. The choice of tech stack and tools solely depends on the features and functionalities of the game. Our developer team is expert in working with the latest stack like Unity, Unreal Engine, etc.

Q. For which platform OFC poker game development services are available?

Ans. We build Open-face Chinese poker card game apps for Android, iOS, Windows, and Web platforms with options like cross-platform and multiplatform compatibility.

Nitin Garg

I am Nitin Garg Founder of BR Softech PVT LTD - an Award-winning mobile game development company. We are armed with 180+ geeks & 2753 clients worldwide, I have driven by the spirit of entrepreneurship and dream to build a billion-dollar-company.

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