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How to Create an App with HealthKit?

Jul 05, 2017
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Building a Fitness App Using HealthKit

These days online concept has become a phenomenon and so lot of things of healthcare and medical have gone online, through websites and mobile apps. The presence of internet is firmly visible in health, medical, medicine and lifestyle domains. Many of them are merely targeted to mobile devices which of course give a strong base to the concept of m-Health.

Know About Mobile Health Application Development

Here you go with the following realistic instances:

  • iPhone Health App Development

Time has changed. The world has become competitive. In this competitive world we keep ourself busy in work and forgets to think about health. It’s not surprising, because to compete we have to work and in turn earn our bread and buttter for living. Such competition and in turn work load does not leave time for taking care of our health.

What we need is small device like mobile that can run an application that includes composing letters, making calls, creating video conferences with partners from all over the world.

Imagine a future in which people can monitor their health with special devices measuring not only the pulse, blood pressure, but for example, the blood sugar level. And it would be not necessary to visit the hospital because everything will be available “on the go.” It all will work in one well-functioning ecosystem that will receive data, store it and send it to your doctor. And all these functions will be available on your smartphone. It would be wonderful, right?. This kind of technology is available with iPhone health app development.

  • Apple Health API

Apple health api, or Apple HealthKit was launched in the year 2014. It came in market with breaking news. This tool allows unifying the data transfer from various devices to the standard iOS “Health” application. This is designed for the storage of data from fitness trackers or other devices monitoring the physical state of the owner of a smartphone or tablet from Apple.

A great instance of a device that works with HealthKit can be the CellScope Oto Home which designed for home use. And do not worry if you are not an otolaryngologist or you do not have a medical education, it will not be required when you are using this device. A simple reason behind this is the simple work principle, which makes easier communication with your doctor. All you need to do is attach the device to your iPhone camera, then it takes a few pictures and sends them to the doctor. Then, on the basis of all the obtained data, the doctor can either give you a consultation or prescribe a treatment online. In most cases, you do not even have to leave your home.

Read More:  Healthcare Solution – The Mobile App Reality

Another interesting development is Swaive. This is a technology that includes an intelligent ear thermometer, which allows you to combine the data with HealthKit. The principle of operation, surprisingly, is very similar to the previous product (who would have thought, right?) because the field of “action” for them is almost the same. But what is more interesting – the provided functions. This thermometer on its own custom has adopted medical history app for iPhone, which allows you to customize individual profiles for each member of your family. In addition, there is also the possibility of taking some notes after each measurement so that your doctor can more accurately understand the problem, establish the symptoms and prescribe the appropriate treatment. After all the above steps, the data from the thermometer are synchronized with your smartphone and ready for transfer.

It’s amazing how humanity can simplify routine and care for itself. But what else can afford this technology, what can make you pay attention to it? So, going through the above information, we believe that the development of the App with HealthKit is not only interesting but also essential.

An important factor in the popularization of this or that technology is interest. Please be informed that many medical instituitions of USA knows about the Apple’s Healthkit. For example: Stanford University Hospital and Duke University.

The manner in which the work was carried out in Stanford University was related to the development of an intelligent glucometer, which allows to measure blood sugar levels and synchronize the received data with iOS devices. This is very useful and important for people with Type 1 diabetes and their endocrinologists, who could receive data on the health status of their patients lightning-fast.

Scientists from Duke University are working on another project – they want to make a device that would allow monitoring of the condition of cancer patients or people with diseases of the cardiovascular tract. To do this, they want to monitor the weight, blood pressure and other indicators of patients.

HealthKit Apps

Here you go with the some of the health and fitness app development kits:

1. MotionX 24/7: Sleeptracker

It works on HealthKit, costs only $ 0.99, but it can help you save a lot of nerves and time on the trip to the doctor. This app monitors your sleep hours and at the same time it also helps to get data on heart beating and breathing during sleep.

2. My Fitness Pal

Diary of nutrition and calorie counter. This health and fitness app will help you eat healthy by counting the calories (spent or purchased, calculating the nutritional value of the foods you eat). All you need to do is just write what you ate today, the rest of the counting program will do by itself.


A very popular application among people who care about their health and want to do sports activities more seriously. This application determines the type of activity, calculate the passed distance, steps, and pulse.

Should You Make an App With HealthKit ?

Please be informed that there are many iOS HealthKit apps that are still not good enough, but some are making a difference, which allows hope for a better improvement in the situation of medical devices and applications for smartphones. This gives reason to believe that perhaps in 5 years, we may be surprised by individual devices for express blood analysis or other body systems tests that will be mobile and can be placed in a small bag.

All we wanted to say is that the iOS health system is amazing! It allows to receive data from all supported devices, processes them in the proper type for transfer and allows you to share the necessary information with your doctor. Which in turn can help you be healthier or even to save life. Similar apps like zocdoc are having a great idea to change people’s lives!

Do you want to get into health kit development ? If yes, the do not hesitate to get in touch with BRSoftech . With great pleasure, we will try to answer all of them.



I am the admin of BR Softech PVT LTD - an Award-winning Mobile game development company. My thesis is to work with hard-bit and get the best Exposure. I have driven by the spirit of entrepreneurship and dream to build a billion-dollar-company.

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