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Multiplayer Game Development: An Exclusive Guide

Game Development
Mar 04, 2024
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Multiplayer Game Development

Do you want to create your own multiplayer game but, don’t know where to start? If yes, this blog is for you. Here, we are going to discuss the step-by-step development process of a multiplayer game so you can successfully transform your multiplayer game idea to life. This blog offers you a complete multiplayer game development guide with features, benefits, costs, etc. so you can clear all your doubts and make an informed decision.

Multiplayer games have become the talk of the town within a short period because here, many players play at the same time, and they can interact with each other to win the game, and exciting prizes. Gone are the days when players have to play alone. Now, they can form a team on an online gaming platform to have fun and kill boredom. Multiplayer game platform comes in different game modes so you can choose your preferred one like single-player, multiplayer, offline, AI, etc. From simple 2D games to complex 3D games and video games; the multiplayer feature is reimaging the entire gaming industry most efficiently. That’s why, the demand for multiplayer game development services are increasing, and has become a fruitful business opportunity.

In the current era, multiplayer game app development is capturing the eyes of investors and sports entrepreneurs worldwide. You can also churn this opportunity by introducing your multiplayer game platform, and for that, you have to hire a multiplayer game development company that can enrich your multiplayer game software with innovative features and bring it to life. 

Let’s dive in-depth to know all about multiplayer games with their development process, cost, features, and benefits so you can give a perfect shape to your multiplayer game idea. Let’s start to know. 

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What are Multiplayer Games? 

As the name suggests, multiplayer games are the type of online games that allow multiple players to participate and compete against each other to win exciting prizes as rewards. Different types of games are becoming increasingly popular due to the multiplayer support feature, including Ludo, Carrom, poker, Teen Patti, blackjack, baccarat, Texas Holdem, etc. 

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Multiplayer Game Market 

  • The global multiplayer game market was estimated at a value of $48.9776 billion in the year 2022. 
  • As per the stats, the market is showing massive growth and is projected to reach $90.83667 billion by 2028. 
  • The multiplayer gaming market is growing at a CAGR of 10.84% during the forecast period of 2022-2028. 

Type of Multiplayer Game Platforms 

Multiplayer games can be divided or categorized by different factors. There are two most popular platforms on which a lot of developers work; Android, and iOS. If you want to know more about both of the platforms, here are the definitions for you! 

1. Android Multiplayer Game Development 

Android multiplayer game developers enjoy great freedom to access numerous platforms and tools that make the workflow organized to create multiplayer game. Some of the major programming languages used in multiplayer game development are Java, Kotlin, C, and C++. The best part of using this platform is that app certification and approval are quite easy and simple for Android. To develop a multiplayer game platform for Android, It has relaxed guidelines and a relatively transparent system, which allows most apps to be published within 2 days after being submitted. 

2. iOS Multiplayer Game Development 

iOS multiplayer game development services are widely known for its uniformity and standardization. The major programming used by multiplayer game developers in this segment is Swift and Objective C. With this type of development, you can tap and target a relatively larger audience across the globe, which is nearly about 1.65 million users. However, the development cost of iOS multiplayer games will be comparatively higher than that of Android. Moreover, the app approval and certification process is quite complex and difficult in this type of multiplayer game development platform. 

3. Cross-Platform Multiplayer Game Development 

This type of feature is mostly used by multiplayer developers to design and develop end-to-end multiplayer gaming apps that are of high value. It will help you target not only international audiences but also domestic ones. Here the application runs on Android, iOS, and Windows Mobile platforms.


Features of the Multiplayer Game Development

Features can make or break an entire multigaming platform in a matter of a few seconds. So if you are planning to build a multiplayer game, here is a list of features you must include in your multiplayer game platform: 

Features of the Multiplayer Games

1. Multilingual support 

Our multiplayer game apps are built in such a manner that they target a global audience of players. We strive to integrate multiple languages to make people understand the functioning and features of the app in their own native language. 

2. Loyalty and Rewards 

To increase player engagement and retention, we tend to include top-notch loyalty and rewards programs to recognize the performance of the players. 

3. Multiple Payment Gateways 

We strive to integrate different types of payment methods to ensure seamless and uninterrupted payment and withdrawals. Besides that, our multiplayer board or card games also offer users a sense of security when it comes to payments. 

4. Anti-Fraud System 

We believe in gameplay fairness, so in light of this, we at BR Softech incorporate a robust anti-fraud system to remove all malicious or fraudulent activities. 

5. Crypto Support 

Online multiplayer games integrate crypto support features to enable players to win exciting rewards in the form of cryptocurrency or crypto coins. 

6. Constant Support 

Our multiplayer video games offer constant tech support to users. The support is given to them 24/7 for their query or technical glitch resolution. 

7. Live Chat 

To improve user engagement and interaction, online multiplayer game apps provide users with real-time or live chat features. This feature not only enhances user engagement but also retains existing players on the platform. 

8. Refer & Earn 

Through this feature, users can earn in-game points or real money by referring the platform to their friends and family. 

9. Social Media Integration 

Using this feature, players can integrate their social media handles of Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter into the main multiplayer video game platform. This aids users to share their victory on multiple social media channels with their friends and family. 

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There are different types of multiplayer games when it comes to genres, features and characteristics. Here is the list of multiplayer games that you can develop for your business and target audience. 

1. Multiplayer Video Games 

Multiplayer video games are the most interesting and interactive game types, which offer users numerous engaging features and interfaces. Some of the most successful multiplayer video games are Fortnite, MineCraft, Overcooked, Rocket League, Terraria, Valheim, etc. 

2. Multiplayer Hearts Card Game 

People love to play card games at public gatherings or family parties. With the advent of technology, they can play multiplayer heart games from anywhere and at any point in time with a smartphone and seamless internet connectivity. Some of the best heart card game multiplayers are Hearts Online, Cardzmania, VIP Hearts, TheWorldOfCardGames, Play Hearts, etc. 

3. Multiplayer Tennis Game 

There are multiple tennis online games available out there in the market built with outstanding 3D graphics, interactive features, and user-friendly interfaces. The most important multiplayer tennis games famous on the internet are Tennis Clash, poke, Free Tennis, Real Tennis, etc. 

4. Multiplayer Chess Game 

Chess is a game of strategy and chance. You can ace chess games with proper gameplay skills and strategy. The most popular chess game apps available on the internet are, Chess Kid, Chess Clock, Lichess, etc. 

5. Multiplayer Ludo Game 

Ludo is a game of strategy and skills. It is played between 2 or 4 players. The best multiplayer ludo games available on the internet and are famous across the globe are Ludo King, Ludo Star, Ludo Club, Ludo Party, etc. 

6. HTML5 Multiplayer Game 

This type of game variant is made with modern technology like HTML5. Some of the most popular HTML5 multiplayer games are Tennis Master, monster hands, Real Street basketball, etc. 

7. Multiplayer UNO Game Online 

Uno is the most popular card game among people of all age groups. Some of the best Uno games online multiplayer are UNO!, Crazy Eights 3D, Uno Playlink, Uno Friends, etc. 

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Online Multiplayer Game Development: Step-By-Step Process 

Multiplayer game app development is not an overnight task; hence requires a lot of planning, market research, budgeting, and execution strategies.

Here is the list of steps we follow to develop best-in-class online multiplayer game apps: 

A. Market Research 

The first and foremost thing we do before developing any multigame app is market research. This includes gathering information related to costs, target audience, competitors, and the latest market trends. For this, we do SWOT and competitor analysis respectively. 

B. Multiplayer Game Design 

The online multiplayer game is designed by keeping a lot of things in mind such as target audience, market trends, and modern technologies. In this phase, our art designers work day in and day out to bring forth creative yet innovative art designs, including seamless animation, characters, and outstanding sound effects. 

C. Multiplayer Web Game Development 

After the design, then comes the phase wherein multiplayer game developers use the latest technologies and tools to convert the game concept into successful projects. We aim to focus on customer centricity and satisfaction to bring forth the most successful multiplayer game apps. 

D. Testing & QA 

After development, it is of utmost importance to check the features, functioning, and performance of the multiplayer platform. We tend to use strategies like functional testing, integration testing, and performance testing to fix the bugs, glitches, and loopholes of the gaming platform. 

E. Launch

After fixing all the bugs and loopholes, then comes the phase, wherein the expert team needs to launch the end product in the market. Different types of marketing strategies can be used to launch the multiplayer video game in the market, including digital marketing campaigns, advertisements, content marketing, email marketing, etc. 

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How Much Does it Cost to Develop a Multiplayer Game?

The cost of developing a multiplayer game with a renowned multiplayer game developer will vary depending on the specific requirements of the project. Moreover, once you hire a multiplayer game developer that offers customized solutions for multiplayer game development, you will realize that the cost will depend on certain factors such as the complexity of the game, the number of players, the design and graphics required, the platform on which the game will be launched, and any additional features or functionalities. To make an estimate, if you hire a multiplayer game developer to develop a basic-level multiplayer game, the cost will range from a few thousand dollars to tens of thousands of dollars.

How Much Does It Cost To Make A Multiplayer Game?

It is very difficult to define the exact development cost of a multiplayer game until and unless we don’t know the type, features, and functionalities of your project. There are different types of factors affecting the overall cost of development. On average, multiplayer game development cost ranges from $15,000 to $20,000 for a single platform and basic features & functionalities. However, the cost may shoot up to $25,000 and even more depending on the seriousness or complexity of your project. 

Factors Affecting the Cost Of Multiplayer Development 

  • The complexity of the features 
  • The location of the multiplayer game developers 
  • Level of graphics 
  • Type of multiplayer game online 
  • Advancement of the tech stack 
  • Experience of the development company 

Final Words 

The market for multiplayer games is increasing at an alarming rate. There are multiple reasons behind this growth. Some of them are smartphone penetration, low-cost data availability and rising online games. Multiplayer games are mostly played and preferred across the globe for their immersive, fun and engaging features and functionalities that are hard to find in any other game variants. If you want to step into the world of online gaming, hire a multiplayer app games development company like BR Softech to get best-in-class and cutting-edge solutions. 


Frequently Asked Questions(FAQs)

Q.1 What Are The Benefits Of Developing Multiplayer Games? 

Through multiplayer game development services, you can reach millions of screens while generating a high level of ROI and profits. 

Q.2 How Long Does It Take To Develop Multiplayer Games? 

It takes around two to three months to develop multiplayer games from scratch.

Q.3 Do You Develop Customized Multiplayer Games? 

Yes, we develop multiplayer games with high customization opportunities and top-performance features.

Nitin Garg

I am Nitin Garg Founder of BR Softech PVT LTD - an Award-winning mobile game development company. We are armed with 180+ geeks & 2753 clients worldwide, I have driven by the spirit of entrepreneurship and dream to build a billion-dollar-company.

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