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How to Create an Online Doctor Consultation App with your Desired Features

App Development
Dec 31, 2020
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The innovation to create a Doctor Consultation App is a long stride taken by the healthcare industry for people’s welfare. It has made healthcare services more accessible and affordable. 

Creating a Doctor Consultation Booking App is a complex task that demands expert assistance. The involvement of a skilled software development team to create a feature-rich product requires a hefty investment. 

>>>Additional Perk: Why is the Doctor Appointment App is Going to Score Big in This COVID-19 Phase?<<<

The investment largely varies with the features that you select for your healthcare venture. It does not mean that you shed out some necessary features to save some part of your budget. 

Emphasizing on the quality of Doctor’s Consultation App will hike up the chances of success of your application. Hence, it is recommended that you adopt a wise approach while selecting the features of your app. 

Reading this article will get you well-versed about the features of a Doctor Consultation Application.

How an Online Create a Doctor Consultation App developed?

Creating an Online Consultation App For Patients requires proper planning. It should be ensured that you carry an optimistic yet practical approach in your entire project. A slightest of imbalance between the planning and execution can mess up the entire project and your hard-earned money.

You can take a reference to the points stated below on how to create an Online Doctor Consultation App-

  • Conducting research
  • Figuring out the features
  • Monetizing the platform
  • App designing and development
  • Creating a network of doctors
  • Conducting research: 

Conducting research should not be mistaken as a unidimensional aspect because it is a multidimensional aspect. Proper research includes various elements such as target audience, market trends, market worth, need of the project, future etc. 

You should have a determined vision when you conduct the research and planning to set realistic expectations from your business venture.

  • Figuring out the features:

The features that you will select for your app will influence its success rate. It is suggested that you opt for features that are helpful for doctors and patients but also under your budget. It does not mean that you are asked to compromise the quality if you carry a limited budget, instead are suggested to stretch the budget.

The list of important features is also mentioned below in the article.

  • Monetizing the platform:

Configuring your app with advanced monetizing options will help you collect the return on investment much more quickly. An expert doctor appointment app development company will be able to guide you on the best approaches to monetize your doctor booking app. 

  • App designing and development:

Design and development will play a major role in influencing user appeal and engagement. A good looking app can only be crafted when adequate coordination between the design team and the development team is established. 

Do not overstuff the screen with features, tabs and buttons in order to achieve an attractive design. Overloading the app with features and buttons can give a claustrophobic effect.

  • Creating a network of doctors:

Now when you have created the app and conducted sufficient tests and fixed the glitches, then the next thing to look after is creating a team of doctors for the patients to Consult With Your Doctor.

Let us now move on to the main part of the topic, i.e. the features to opt for creating a doctor’s appointment app. 

Enriching Online Doctor Consultation App with Advanced Features

The selection of features plays a vital role in determining how helpful your Doctor Consultation App will be for patients. Refer to the features stated below to get you a wider view of what features could make your Doctor Consultation App effective for its purpose.

  • Registration and log-in:

This must be the feature that the user interacts at the very first instance. 

Patients should be able to create their profile pertaining to their personal information such as name, age, gender, insurance, blood group, weight etc.

On the other hand, doctors should provide their proof of practice and expertise adhering to the special qualification. 

  • Payment gateway:

Make sure that you select a reliable payment gateway provider for your doctor consultation application. The payment gateway script should offer a variety of payment options that can be saved for easy checkouts such as debit card, credit card, net banking etc.

  • In-app advertisements:

In-app advertisements can be added during Doctor Appointment App Development as an effective way to monetize your app. Medical and supplement retailing is the correct choice for a typical doctor appointment app.

features of doctor appointment app

  • Appointment booking:

How can we then forget about this feature when the doctor’s consultation app is all about booking an appointment with an experienced healthcare service provider. This feature is determined for the patient to book an appointment via a direct search or adding filters. 

  • Video calling:

Connecting doctors with patients via a video call should be featured on your app to increase the rate of patient satisfaction. The video calling features help to establish hassle-free communication between the healthcare practitioner and the patient. The feature is likely to enhance the user retention thus hiking the chances of making your app a big hit.

  • Real-time chat:

Real-time chat assistance also holds great relevance in the doctor consultation app. It should be kept in mind that the chat should boast end-to-end encryption to maintain the privacy of the users accessing the platform.

  • Screen sharing:

Screen sharing feature lets the doctor and patient project their screen on the user’s sitting on the other end. This can be helpful in enriching the patient’s experience and in some instances letting the doctor communicate more effectively.


  • File sharing:

File sharing option lets the patient share their reports that are stored as documents or zip files (optional). Not just the documents and files but it also covers X-rays CT scans, previous prescriptions and other related medical documents. This increases the chances that the patient’s treatment is carried in the right way.

  • Tracking medical progress:

To make your app the Best Online Doctor Consultation App, you should consider integrating such an advanced feature, i.e. medical progress tracking. It will help the doctor to closely monitor the patient’s recovery and optimize the treatment for the patient’s benefit.

  • Q&A:

This section will highlight the frequently asked questions and their answers. You can also consider integrating polls as an intelligent addition to your platform for conducting surveys and collecting patient’s (users) insight (data).

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  • Map integration:

This feature has a two-sided advantage. The patients can easily locate the nearby doctors and track their location if you go for map integration in your consultation app. The doctors can also track their patient’s location for a house-visit if it is required. 

  • Push notifications:

Push notifications will keep the patient informed at every phase of the process. The flow of information can be established on a real-time basis via calls, emails, messages or pop-up chats.

  • Search bar and filters:

The integration of search bar will help the patients to find any specific doctor by a simple search. The app users can also apply filters to find a healthcare specialist according to their experience, location, department, fee etc.

All the features that are mentioned above can be clustered to make a robust Doctor’s Consultation App.

Cost of creating a Doctor Consultation App

cost of doctor app development

How can we miss out to define the cost of creating an online consultation app in an article that mentions the doctor appointment app development?

The factors mentioned below will play an active role in determining the cost of development-

  • Development Company:

The software development company that your approach charges depends on various aspects such as the location of the app development company, expertise that the company holds, brand image, size of the app development company etc.

  • Features:

Features can be segmented into basic and advanced but it is the right mix of them that makes an app a big hit. You should never compromise on the quality of the app in saving a few pennies (a few thousand dollars actually). 

  • Devices:

The platforms that you include to target for your app development project will also affect the cost of development. You can opt for platforms such as Android, iOS, Microsoft etc. 

The most cost-efficient software developers that you can hire can be found in India. Indian developers hold a plethora of advantages when compared with the developers based in any other country. 

You can hire an Indian based software development company for your project in a price range of 15,000 to 30,000 US Dollars. 

Create your own App For Doctor Consultation

The rise of apps like Zocdoc has introduced the patients a new way of availing medical facilities that were missing in the traditional methods.

Now the patients can easily search and connect to a professional medical practitioner in a matter of a few taps on the screen of their smartphone, all that is required is a high-speed internet connection.

>>>Read More: Complete Guide To Build An On-Demand Appointment App For Patients And Doctors<<<

The aggravated pandemic situation has further encouraged the doctors to switch to a digital tool to extend their services without any hassle anytime and anywhere.

BR Softech Pvt. Ltd. is an experienced mobile app development company that can provide you with high-end healthcare software solutions at a reasonable price following the utmost transparency.

Harshita Khangarot

A skilled content writer and a lifelong learner with an ongoing curiosity to learn more, I specialize in technical, banking, hospitality, and poetry content writing; while taking every opportunity as a responsibility and believe in creativity that is beneficial for society.

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