Telegram has now come up with a great update. Yes, you heard it right Telegram makes it official, now one can import Whatsapp chat history to its own Telegram platform. It seems that Whatsapp is going into a great mess, and coming out of these messes will definitely be a bit tedious task for them now.
Telegram has played quite well this time by coming up with this unimaginable feature. It significantly uptakes the new issues in WhatsApp marketing; they have successfully triggered them in the Privacy Policy debate.
And it goes quite well; actually, Telegram had recently added more than 100 million users in January after all these recent incidents took place. It has now successfully crossed 600 million.
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With this update, the company stated that group members or individual chat persons can have better control over their privacy and all the photos, videos, and can be transferred quite easily. With upgraded security features now secret chats call history and personal data can now be deleted from all sides at any particular point of time.
A few other points are included in these features:
- Storage of messages can be done quite easily; it will not occupy any extra space.
- No virtual will be taken by Telegram; users can access all their messages, photos and videos anytime.
- Users can manage the volume of the participants.
- Active voice chats can be seen at the top of the call history page.
- A more improved audio player interface will definitely make it an ideal experience.
- Now one can track all the chats by tapping the author’s name.
- Press and hold if you missed anything and press previous for fast forward.
What Actually Telegram App Is?
Telegram is a popular instant messaging app that allows users to chat, call and watch trending videos. It is an open-source code that becomes beneficial for both personal and business purposes.
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By setting these features, Telegram becomes a prominent player and becomes a competitor of both Whatsapp and Skype altogether.
- High encryption of messages
- Fast Delivery
- Impressive Features
- Seamless Experience
- Perfectly synced with your mobile phone.
It’s a Wrap,
With all these continuous upgrades by all leading competitors of WhatsApp, users are definitely in a great Win-Win situation.
In the past few months, demand for social media apps has risen tremendously, and somewhere it is scaling up the business quite wisely.
Now it will be interesting to know how Whatsapp will deal with this feature, or Whatsapp will come with a bang and retain its position.