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Why Node.JS for Enterprise App Development is Better | Hire Node.JS Developer

App Development
Nov 23, 2020
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Node.js is known as a JavaScript runtime environment to create robustly enterprise mobile and web apps. It is a lightweight and effective platform that spreads its charm with modules and base essentials like install, npm, uninstall, and update essential to building scalable applications.


NodeJS Development Company provides solutions using third-party modules to build rich-featured enterprise web apps, including a vast ecosystem. 

When does a Project need Node.JS?

By applying Node.JS to your project, you will unlock multiple benefits to add to it. If you want to have these following qualities, then build a project with the Node.JS-

Large Community

Being an open-source project, Node.js increases the contribution and support objected to the platform’s adoption and betterment. It is the mission of the foundation planned for consistent development and increment of Node.js.

Hence, you can be definite that Node.js is getting better always, and there are various reusable sources.

Convenient Learning Curve

Hire Node.JS Developer to give a good start with Node.js. You require to know the principles of backend development, although the knowledge regarding programming language will clarify many things.

Nodejs web development banner


It is referred to as a true jewel of the Node.js development environment as it permits the app development to grow with your business easily. Node.js acts amazingly in systems using the containerization or microservices architecture. It provides flexibility and scalability that can be attained conveniently. 


Applying for the Node.js permits arranging the full-stack JavaScript development to ensure the enterprise app’s performance and speed.

Improve Ecosystem

Have Node.js Package Manager (npm) for 650,000 free code packages to reuse Node.js.       

What does Node.JS do?

By applying the right working of Node.js, Node.js development company, India provides the following factors from which you will get to know about it properly. Take a look-

Collaborative Tools

The use case instance of Node.js is relevant to the capabilities of processing the flaws of real-time. Trello is known as a project management app, and is rather famous among all the software development companies

This app was also developed based on Node.js and gets benefits from the non-blocking, event-driven model.

Why Companies Are Switching to Node.js Web Development?

Node.js is also great for apps needing immediate attention and updates, like different online documentation suites and collaboration tools.

Real-time Apps

Node.js can make sure the performance and great speed, and one of the use cases of textbook Node.js is chatting or real-time messaging. The Node.js environment supports heavy traffic of various short chat rooms or messages when messages are shown to various users simultaneously.

It is the reason why people are taking the services of Node.js development company India. 

Apps Relying on Scalability

The great scalability of Node.js is needed for apps to support the high peak loads. It was behind why Uber is based upon Node.js. This global cab network is expanding and growing its presence always simultaneously as the cab business’s nature is due to the high-demand peaks at the time of holidays even. This language can handle these fundamental challenges very well. 

Data Streaming Apps

Streaming refers to sending a lot of data in a tiny package despite sending it in a single batch. This capability is particularly critical for video and audio streaming apps. And Hire Node.JS Developer is suitable for this task along with built-in modules via supporting the data streaming and permitting to build both writable and readable data streams. 

How does JavaScript IIFEs work? 

The term ‘IIFE (Immediately Invoked Function Expression)’ is frequently used in codings patterns, including functions. Here is the working of IIFE-

addTogether Function

It is unlike a typical function expression in which the function expression will be anonymous usually. Here it will be called a named function expression. 

addTogether Function


Function Expression

We don’t require to name all the functions anymore because the plan is that if we have built IIFE once, and we have no intention of function calling again. So, let’s look at-

Function Expression


A pair of brackets

In the end, we require a method to call the function but do we have a name to refer to? We include a pair of brackets at the function finally.

a pair of brackets   

How to Choose the Right Node Js for Your Business?

For selecting the suitable Node.js for the enterprise web app, NodeJS Development Company have to consider these following points-


NodeJs executes the JavaScript loaded with V8 engines empowered by Google into a native machine code that runs faster.

You can speed up any framework through it. It reduces the response time to 35% and provides flexible network apps to manage various parallel connections. 

Real-time Web App

Node.js is a boon to simply the tasks for real-time web app development such as messenger apps and gaming. Web apps need a non-blocking and event-based server, and the real-time web app is a perfect example of this.

node js web development

Data Streaming

Any of the successful products by NodeJS Development Company will need appropriate I/O handling. Along with web frameworks treating HTTPO responses and requests as entire data objects getting tough. It is allowing users to transcode all the media files at the same time while uploading. 

Simplified Hosting

Along with many open-source development firms, the Node.js platform includes more services and doubling the pace of new kinds of features. It offers much help to people in providing PaaS (Platform-as-a-service) to eliminate firms to a solitary order.    

Read More: The Comparison Between Node.JS and Golang: Which One best Web Developer to Choose?

The Cost of Hire Node.JS Developer

You can hire Node.JS Developer from any reputed web and mobile app development company that leverages the employer to change the app developers and opt for another source if the previous one is not appropriate.

If you have developers from a job website, it will cost around $111,000 in the USA, but in the UK, the same resources will be up to $84,000. It will be around $90,000 in Australia; on the other hand; it will be $50,000 as an average salary in Germany.  

If you are picking a developer from a south Asian country, you have to pay around $30 to $45 on hourly basis.  

Top 10 Benefits of Using Node.JS

Here are the key benefits of Node.JS technology that make it stand apart from others. Take a look-

Top 10 js node developer

  • Developers find this technology easy to scale the web app development horizontally and vertically. Developers can include new nodes to the current system.
  • Node.JS expounds the Java code via the V8 Javascript engine of Google. It observes the JavaScript code into the machine code directly. It makes the developers able to efficiently code execution.
  • NodeJS Development Company uses Node.JS as a highly extensible technology and can be personalized as per the enterprise’s particular needs and the project.
  • Along with Node.JS, hired developers can create the front-end and backend of all the web apps using a runtime environment in JavaScript. It makes the programmers able to write the code for apps that are from the server-side.
  • Node.JS offers a caching module and helps developers eliminate the re-execution of the code of the tasks.


  • Node.JS permits the developers to boost app development speed, and the Node package management registry offers various solutions and libraries to create web apps with fewer efforts and more values.
  • NodeJS Development Company states that Node.JS has an active and large community of developers participating consistently for improvement and betterment.
  • The Node.JS can manage the various requests simultaneously by providing the options of nob-block I/O systems.
  • This extensively-used programming language is used to create the front-end of web apps.
  • This technology improves the development time, response time, and productivity of an app to make the enterprises able by providing a competitive edge.          

How Can BR Softech Pvt. Ltd. Help?

BR Softech is a leading web app development company with years of experience providing premium-quality services to clients. The dedicated and skilled programmers have appropriate knowledge about the latest technologies and tools, including all the programming languages, to provide suitable solutions. 

Being a NodeJS Development Company, it provides different Node.JS app frameworks that help build a real-time web app. Here are some more Node.JS development services by BR-

  • Maintenance and consulting related to Node.JS development 
  • Plug-ins, Node.JS API, Ajax development
  • Wide working of the node package manager
  • Mobile or web app by UI/UX developers 

Final Verdict

This article defines the importance of Node.JS for enterprise web app development.

Call to Action

This technology is suitable for various enterprise-level web apps that need high-volume I/O business operations within the Disc, Network, and memory. You can hire BR Softech for improved and better solutions of enterprise web apps using Node.JS technology.   

This leading NodeJS Development Company provides lots of benefits with quick time-to-market and fewer code lines with fewer issues and higher performance. It provides you a chance to grow faster with Node.js.

Saloni Agrawal

I am a passionate and full-time writer with experience in academic writing and blogs related to the IT sector, High-tech, and lifestyle. I’ve grown my skills of content writing with the time and have keen interest in learning and exploring new things.

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