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On-Demand Taskrabbit Service Provider App: Working Process, Revenue and Business Model

App Development
Jan 19, 2021
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We live in a world where it is impossible to spend our time without the on-demand app services. One of the emerging apps getting famous among people is ‘TaskRabbit’. TaskRabbit App Development has made people realize the essentiality of time and technology and has made them open-up about the concept of paying money in different ways. Various entrepreneurs are interested in investing in this venture as it is the most profitable one.

Introduction to TaskRabbit

Taskrabbit can be called a Two-way online marketplace used to connect Taskposters, people who require help regarding their work from TaskRabbits, a network of registered networks. These Taskrabbits have both skills and time needed to accomplish the listed tasks. The task list consists of delivery, gardening, cleaning, plumbing, carpentry, electric appliance repair, etc. 

Various people have more money than time and who outsource small tasks to others via the app. So, this app aims to help individuals take back their lives, help them out, be their boss, and make some money out of it.  

Features of the TaskRabbit App

Each on-demand app service must add some features to satisfy their user needs, so always hire a Taskrabbit App Developer who can provide you with a rich-features app. These features will be the reason that will make your app stand out from the competition and help the organization to establish its name among various firms in the market. Here are some of the essential TaskRabbit app features that comprise-

  • Select category permits users to have a task category that must be done. It is helpful to narrow down the app search and display the best results.
  • Marketplace development involves companies, freelancers, and agencies.
  • It has a detailed category page that directs users to the home screen directly and fills incomplete information.
  • Online payment helps indirect payment  through the app.  
  • Booking history permits customers to keep a check on old service bookings.
  • Geo features allow users to see the location of taskers.
  • In-app chat helps the users to chat with their tasker about pricing, work, etc.
  • Push notifications ensure the users are involved in the app and are available for both task posters and taskers.

How Taskrabbit Works, It’s Business & Revenue Model

Taskrabbit Business Model

The Mobile App, like TaskRabbit, is parted basically into two segments. One is for task posters & users, and the other one is for Taskers and service providers. These apps will be a boon for very busy individuals and don’t have enough time to do the basic household chores. 

This on-demand service app connects the local demand with freelance labour. And the app lets the people search instant assistance for their simple chores like cleaning, moving, handyman work, or delivery. Suppose you are getting affected by the growth of on-demand services and are looking to develop an app like TaskRabbit. In that case, you must get knowledge about its working, business model, and revenue model as it will help you to analyze the TaskRabbit app.

Working of TaskRabbit 

In TaskRabbit App Development, you have three important parts- a tasker, a task poster, and TaskRabbit. 

  • A task poster posts the need for a job, and then, TaskRabbit recommends three contractors comprising their house rates. It depicts a span of experience level and prices. 
  • A tasker can deny or accept the task, and it depends upon them as per their availability and ease.
  • The tasker will complete the accepted jobs, and the payment will be processed via the app.

Read More: How to Create an App like TaskRabbit – Get a Complete App Solution

All the task doers in the TaskRabbit app’s database are verified as well as skilled. They are registered after a proper background check. After completing the task, a task poster can rate and review the services.

Business Model of TaskRabbit App

TaskRabbit’s business model, also known as the aggregator model in which the firm doesn’t hold any inventory or tangible assets of its own. This app’s main objective is to connect the people via connecting task posters to the best taskers in minimum efforts and time. Take a look at their business model: 

Taskrabbit App DevelopmentRevenue Model of the TaskRabbit

To develop a Taskrabbit Clone app, you should know about the revenue model of the original app. This app is similar to other on-demand apps that work as a mediator among different users. TaskRabbit mostly earns via providing a platform to the people. Here are the more ways through which TaskRabbit earns its revenue:

Support Fee and Trust

Except for the service fee, this app has a 7.5% support and trust fee to every invoice, and it is paid by the task poster directly to the organization. This fee is like a charge for the firm to ensure they can offer support and facilitate the task poster exchange.

Advertising Charges

Taskers who want to be displayed on the top in the searches always pay the advertisement charges. It benefits them to get more customers and therefore, more work.

Peak Pricing

If specific categories and services are in high-demand, then the Taskrabbit can also include the peak pricing. It can be done due to the demand for particular services that are asked by people highly. It ensures that the users who are interested in paying peak pricing get priority.

Commission Charge

For each task that is accomplished on the Mobile App like TaskRabbit, the firm gets their commission. It is the most general way how Taskrabbit earns the revenue. The commission fee is an expense for the platform offered by the app. It is paid as well for insurance, maintenance, customer support, etc. The service fee charged by TaskRabbit is calculated as the 15% share is paid to the tasker.        


You can use the freemium model to build a tech stack for your service application that provides core features to users. It makes them able to upgrade the plan according to their need.

Partnership with the Famous Brands

Having collaboration with other popular brands like eBay, Amazon, you can opt for an affiliate commission from all the purchases. In the similar time, you will offer a one-stop destination for users to spare their time, and enhance the satisfaction from using the platform.

Taskrabbit App Solution

Final Verdict

We all know that time has changed completely, and it has become a luxury now. Due to this, we can envision the development of more Mobile Apps like TaskRabbit. So, it would be better to learn how to use and benefit from them as the whole world is going to be digital soon. Hence, every little thing will be done on-demand and in real-time only. 

Leading app development company like BR Softech can provide you with the right assistance regarding this. With our dedicated and experienced developers, your app will hit success in the market. Join us fast and get to know about the upcoming benefits with the TaskRabbit clone app development.  

Saloni Agrawal

I am a passionate and full-time writer with experience in academic writing and blogs related to the IT sector, High-tech, and lifestyle. I’ve grown my skills of content writing with the time and have keen interest in learning and exploring new things.

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