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Top 5 Enterprise Mobile App Trends to Stay Ahead In Future

App Development
Aug 29, 2019
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Mobile App Trends in 2019

The inception of advance enterprise mobile app and the automation industry is bringing modernization.  Time has certainly changed, latest and innovative technologies have introduced. Hence, the technical world has also become more advanced and facilities. New technologies have added charm to our lives and made things easier for us than before. In this 21st century, many new and useful technologies have marked their premier presence in the technology world, by utilizing them any development enterprise can optimize the workflow. The use of the technologies can decide how much the enterprise operations are updated?

IoT has the potential to generate $4T to $11T in economic value by 2025

Mobile applications have become a vital part of our life and it is very essential for every business sector. Now to make a mobile application more advanced and faster there are various effective and modern technologies that Mobile App Development Company can use to increase the business and these technologies are trending in 2018. Today in this blog, we are introducing you to the most trending technologies of 2018 and mobile application development companies can also provide the best mobile application services to their clients.

Best 5 Enterprise Mobile App Trends

The impact of IoT

The impact of IOT

Internet of Things (IoT) is indeed in a revolutionary technology which means one technology replaced the other technology.  It’s an extension of internet connectivity into physical devices and everyday objects. Hence, this technology is enabling us to connect the distinctive smart devices and to create a wireless environment. The usage of the IoT leads to a rapid increase at an exponential rate. It’s an advanced technology with the ability to transfer data over a network without requiring human to human or human to computer interaction. 

Internet of things device development is no longer the option, it’s the necessity for fundamentally reshaping the core characteristics of the internet. Hence, the use of IoT has made things more effective and better and made mobile services more manageable. 

For more details read our detailed blog. 

How The Internet of Things (IoT) is Reshaping The High-Tech Industry?

Blockchain Technology

Blockchain Technology

The name is enough for this technology, it is the most trending technology and turned breaking news of every newspaper. Blockchain is a decentralized technology. It is a  digital list of records called blocks, using cryptography. Every business sector has opted for blockchain technology and as with this technology, data are cryptographically stored in the decentralized system. It has been seen that every business sector is attracted to this technology.

Blockchain development was initially introduced to keep track of every transaction performed digitally. It was a call for desperate help to uphold a security system to keep a keen understanding and track of every transaction to achieve transparency and accuracy at every step.

Blockchain technology has introduced with cryptocurrency but now it has separated its path from the cryptocurrency and fulfilling the requirements of every business sector. Basically, blockchain helps to maintain the records and it is based on the digitized and decentralized system. Along with this, it is to record the transactions and it is fully secured and has reduced the human efforts. On the other hand, blockchain can also handle administration work. 

Cloud Technology

Cloud Technology

Cloud is one of the most popular in the business world and most people prefer technology. It helps the employees to trace the information from the company’s app anytime and from anywhere. The apps on cloud computing keep the data up to date. It offers cost-efficiency, hight-speed, and excellent accessibility. There is no similarity in data as all employees use to have the information from the particular app. It includes servers, storage, databases, networking, software, analytics, etc.

Most cloud computing services fall into four categories: 

  1. Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)
  2. Platform as a Service (PaaS)
  3. Serverless
  4. Software as a Service (SaaS)

When the Big Data is combined with cloud technology, which drives more meaningful insights for strategic decision making in enterprises. Its resources are retrieved from the internet technology. It is often known as a ‘’The Cloud’’. It also enables you to find you the lost files and servers from the internet even it allows to run the entire business of the company on the cloud.

Hence, Cloud computing describes as storing, managing and processing data online as opposed to on your own physical computer or network. It is ruling the industry for many years and people have full faith in it.

Artificial Intelligence Technology

Artificial Intelligence Technology

Artificial Intelligence is the simulation of human intelligence processes by machines. It enables the machine to think or learn and it makes the computers to learn. Enterprise apps are based on machine learning algorithms. Artificial Intelligence has the capability to analyze the mind of the user and it acts on its behalf. The world has become effective when machines are able to understand and read the human mind.

The main feature of AI that they act like human beings and communicate with the users seem to like humans do. It helps you to reduce human work and increases productivity and reduce repetitive work. Oracle CEO Mark Hurd bet till 2020 this technology will rule the industry and every business owner will use it and will make it the part of the business. 

Artificial intelligence can be classified into three different types of systems. 

  1. Analytical
  2. Human-inspired
  3. Humanized Artificial Intelligence

It is also popular as machine intelligence. According to the reports, it is much more beneficial than Apple Siri. IT reacts like the same as a human. AI offers more intelligent, quicker,  straightforward, and efficient assistance by analyzing customer behavior. 

Big Data Technology

Big Data Technology

Big Data manages the unorganized work of the enterprise. Actually, a company is a hub of a large number of employees and it is essential to organize the work and big data in business handle it in a good way. It helps to manage the unstructured data and categorized the relevant one. So, the employees can get the right data whenever they needed without a waste of time. Its process is divided into three parts:

  1. Collect The Data
  2. Analyze the Data
  3. Data Execution

Big data offer an exceptional way to increase business revenue by analyzing data and extracting information from data sets.  Big data working includes data storage, capturing data, search, sharing, data source, visualization, querying, updating, information privacy, etc. Hence, it describes a large amount of data. It enables to manage both traditional and new datasets.

 It’s mainly associated with three concepts:

  1. Volume – The quantity of generated and stored data 
  2. Variety – They type and characteristics of the data
  3. Velocity – The pace at which data is produced and processed 

It allows you to take a strategic decision and improves the overall decision-making process whether it’s managing finance and planning business strategies.


So, here we have involved the five technologies which are in high trend, apart from these, there are many more technologies which are spreading their magic at a high level. The technology world has become more effective and changes have occurred with time there are many more technologies that are in the process and about to include this list many mobile app development companies are making these technologies their part and providing the service. These technologies are going to rule forever and these are the best and effective technologies for your business, whether they are for startups or for grown business.

Nidhi Sharma

Holding years of rich experience in Content Writing on different niches and exploring ways to learn more. Majorly talks about Traveling, Games, Software, Mobile App Development Lifestyle and attempts to spread knowledge about the latest trends and technologies.

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