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Machine Learning vs Deep Learning – A Detailed Comparison

App Development
Sep 11, 2019
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Machine Learning vs Deep Learning

With the increasing implementation of the Internet and social life, the Internet is changing how individuals learn and operate, but it is also exposing us to ever more severe threats to safety. This is a crucial issue that needs to be solved urgently.  Artificial Intelligence is the branch and development of computer systems that are able to perform tasks that traditionally require human intelligence.

Artificial intelligence is enlarging its boundary in technology and knowledge. Today, wherever you see, everyone is discussing the machines with intelligence which enhance our lives. Many apps and ideas stay extremely technical and can be somewhat confusing if you are not powerful in your foundation portion. The fundamentals of artificial intelligence help you to assist and conquer the AI world. 

41% of consumers think that AI will improve their lives. (Strategy Analytics)

Artificial Intelligence is the wider umbrella of Machine Learning and Deep Learning. These two subsets of artificial intelligence over the previous two years have attracted a lot of attention.

Machine learning is an artificial intelligence section that enables computer systems to learn from examples, information, and experience directly. Machine learning systems can conduct complicated procedures by learning from data rather than following pre-programmed guidelines by allowing computers to perform particular duties intelligently.

Let’s briefly discuss them.

What is Machine Learning?

what is machine learning

Machine learning is an artificial intelligence section that enables computer systems to learn from examples, information, and experience directly. Machine learning systems can conduct complicated procedures by learning from data rather than following pre-programmed guidelines by allowing computers to perform particular duties intelligently. Machine learning helps to improve the accuracy and ability to complete the task by figuring out by itself. 

Read more – How is Machine Learning Reshaping Manufacturing Industry?

Only 4.5% of self-reported data scientists and data researchers specifically work as machine learning engineers in the United States.  (Kaggle)

Nowadays, most of the leading companies are using machine learning to give their users a pleasant and better experience. Like most of the online sites use machine learning technology where they provide better product choice recommendations to their customers based on their preferences.  

Earlier this year, Netflix saved $1 billion as a consequence of its machine learning algorithm that advises subscribers to custom TV shows and films. (StatWolf)

>>>Key Features of Machine Learning<<<

What is  Deep Learning?

Deep learning is a machine learning subfield; it is one of Artificial Intelligence ‘s most active and fast-growing apps. Deep learning is used to fix issues that are earlier thought to be too complicated and require a large amount of information. It takes place through the use of neural networks, layered to acknowledge patterns and complicated data information.

what is deep learning

A deep learning model can learn from its own computing technique. Like, let’s take an example is a person says dark, and automatically the flashlight will be on, then this is the machine learning model. But if someone said that I am not able to see anything in dim light, then the result of deep learning will be different from machine learning, if still the flashlights on then it uses deep learning by computing itself.

Machine Learning VS Deep Learning

In functional terms, deep learning is just a subset of machine learning. In technical words, the machine learning functions in a similar way but its capabilities are different from each other. 

Machine learning has developed over the years in its capacity to crunch enormous information data and is commonly used in everyday technology apps. ML is responsible for many elements of our daily communication – from spam filtering to content filtering on social networks, recommendations on e-commerce locations, and progressively in consumer goods such as cameras and smartphones.

Now, as far as deep learning is concerned, it takes one step ahead of this. Deep Learning discovers the characteristics that are essential for classification automatically compared to Machine Learning, where the features had to be given manually.

  • Dependencies of Data

The significant difference between deep learning and machine learning is an increase in the performance of the data. Deep learning algorithms do not perform as well when the volumes of data are low, as deep learning algorithms require a large quantity of data to comprehend the information fully. In another case, the performance will be better if the traditional machine-learning algorithm uses the established rules.

  • Dependencies of Hardware

Machine learning algorithms work efficiently on a low-end machine, whereas deep learning requires the high-end performance machine because of the algorithm include GPUs, which become an integral part of operations. For deep learning, all the matrix operation requires a large amount of algorithm data that can be effectively optimized using GPUs process. 

  • Processing Features

Feature engineering is a method of introducing domain knowledge into the development of feature extractors in order to minimize the complexity of data and make patterns more visible for learning to operate algorithms. In terms of time and expertise, this method is hard and costly. In machine learning, most of the features are to be identified by a specialist and then hand-coded as per the domain and information type.

With high-level features, it requires deep learning. This is a unique aspect of Deep Learning and a significant step ahead of traditional machine learning. Deep learning, therefore, lowers the job of creating new extractor characteristics for each issue.  

  • Problem Solving Approach

Using traditional machine learning algorithms to fix an issue, it is usually suggested that the issue be broken down into distinct components, solved separately, and combined to achieve the outcome. In comparison, deep learning promotes solving the end-to-end problem.

  • Execution Time

Usually, it takes a long time to train a deep learning algorithm. This is because, in a deep learning algorithm, there are so many parameters that it takes longer than usual to prepare them.ResNet’s state-of-the-art deep learning algorithm takes about two weeks to train from scratch. While machine learning requires much less time to train in comparison, varying from a few seconds to a few hours.

  • Amazon shipping is accessible on the same day due to machine learning. At present, the ML algorithm has actually reduced the ‘ click-to-ship ‘ time by 225%  (Forbes)
  • AI software will increase to $59.8 billion by 2025 from $1.4 billion in 2016. (Tractica)

If anyone is looking to unlock any business opportunities with Machine Learning Solutions then, BR softech Pvt.Ltd company is the one where you can experience expertise with a leading machine learning development company

Our team of experts with extensive knowledge helps you to get precise, predictive, and accurate solutions most effectively. 

deep learning and machine learning in your business

We researched Deep Learning and Machine Learning and examined a comparison between the two as well. Each procedure to implement an intrusion detection system has its own benefits and drawbacks, which is evident from the discussion of comparisons between the different methods. Thus, choosing a specific technique for implementing an intrusion detection scheme over the others is hard. Unfortunately, the most efficient technique for detecting intrusion has not yet been created.

You can also watch this video for more information. 

If you are looking for a reputed machine learning development company, then BR Softech is determined to resolve their clients’ hardest challenges by providing unmatched services in IT With 8 + Years of industry experience.

Nidhi Sharma

Holding years of rich experience in Content Writing on different niches and exploring ways to learn more. Majorly talks about Traveling, Games, Software, Mobile App Development Lifestyle and attempts to spread knowledge about the latest trends and technologies.

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