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Swift vs Python: Performance, Speed and Development Cost

App Development
Aug 08, 2020
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Swift vs Python 2020

Ever wondered what makes a web page thrilling and so captivating? Well, it is the function-rich programming language that a developer uses for the back-end work of web pages like the one you are reading now. There is a wide range of languages available which makes it difficult for a programmer to choose the best. If you are also a coder and unable to decide the language, you must try hands-on for designing beautiful web, and mobile apps then keep scrolling down the post. Here, we will discuss the swift and python app development, which will help you to select the best as per your requirement.  

Let’s know about the Python programming language: 

One of the best programming languages, Python was rolled out in the tech sector to enable coders to write codes for developing apps for large scale organizations. Moreover, it is also taking the machine learning world by storm with each passing day. The developers highly admire it in an app development company for creating thrilling websites, testing myriad software without any hassle, making back end tasks easy for engineers, etc. 

Top-notch companies making use of python for their web and the mobile app includes Instagram, Quora, Reddit, to name a few. Python is reaching new heights in the software development segment. One of the best parts about this language is that it helps the engineers to make stunning software in very less time. Integrating seamlessly with other high-functionality languages, Python makes it easy to make apps for bigger companies faster. The language is used extensively by numerous programmers because the codes, once written, can be reused.  

Let’s know about the Swift programming language: 

The swift app development is also highly admired by engineers and programmers worldwide. It is used for developing attractive mobile apps for the ios platform. The top-rated companies making use of Swift for their web projects include Pandora, Airbnb, Hubspot, etc. to name a few. The reason why Swift is gaining immense popularity is that it involves a huge memory for developers to make the websites without any hassle. The language is easy to integrate with C, C++ seamlessly. Swift is one of the highly advanced open-source languages that entices developers around the globe at the speed of light.  

Reasons to choose Swift:   

1. Development cost:  

When it comes to designing a download-worthy mobile app, costing plays an important role, many factors lead to making an app development procedure faster. The language offers numerous advantages to the developers such as ease of syntax, clean coding, reusability of codes, etc. All these benefits make the language efficient to use for making numerous mobile apps. Objective-C language integrated with Swift allows ease of making the splendid software for a different industry that eventually runs smoothly on the smartphone. 

Swift makes use of Automatic Reference Counting (ARC) technology that enables the developers to handle memory space in creating the app. It is carried out hassle-free through the automatic procedure, and engineers need not do it through the manual process. The total cost of developing an awesome app using the Swift language comes to $40000-$60000 approximately. 

2. Speed and performance of making an ios app using Swift:    

Another best advantage of using Swift language is that it enables programmers to create wide-ranging industry-specific mobile apps in the blink of an eye. It is a high-performing language in the field of ios app development which eventually saves the time of coders. Moreover, there are eyebrow-raising methods to make the optimum utilization of the Swift code for enhancing smoothness in operating an ios application. 

The developers also love Swift language because it is quite safe to use. It allows programmers to handle different types of errors that arise in an app designing which in turn helps reduce the chances of code crashing to a lot of extents. This eventually allows the coders to complete the app development task in very less time so that the testing phase can be done thoroughly. Even if the errors arise while designing the software, then programmers can remove the same in very less time. If the bugs in an app can be eliminated faster, then the client receives the best app development services. 

3. Easy to learn a language: 

As a newbie programmer, it is important to try hands on the language, which takes very less time to learn. Swift gives this advantage to the programmers. Widely used language in ios app making, Swift has a large community which helps the new developers solve the queries that arise in designing an ios application.  

Reasons to choose Python: 

1. Development cost: 

When you plan to hire app developer, it is essential to understand the methodology used for web or mobile app development. It eventually helps the programmers to carry out the task of web or mobile app designing in simplified steps. It offers wonderful advantages to programmers which includes ease of prototyping in the blink of an eye. It eventually enhances the productivity of developers rapidly. Many start-ups opt for using Python for their software project development. The total cost of developing an awesome app using the Swift language comes to $4000-$45000 approximately.

2. Speed and performance of developing software using Python: 

As compared to Swift, Python app development does not help the engineers in creating software faster. Furthermore, if the programmer makes use of Django, then it will require a lot of time because it needs extensive utilization of hardware devices to enhance the speed in designing apps. It is time-consuming for developers to a lot of extents. Another option mostly followed by developers to increase the speed of the app development process is to make optimum use of backend platforms without integrating the servicers. 

Read more: Why is Golang better than Python for Web Development?

Well, not all the apps require good speed, but some of the applications require smooth functioning to attract the increase in the customer base. Also, the slow running real-time application distracts the user, and they are likely to stop using it further. There are even chances that Python programming language leads to reducing application processing when it is operating on a particular platform. It takes a lot of time to design software using Python, especially the Django framework. 

3. Open source and compatible language: 

Python is one of the best open-source languages which allows the programmers to write codes effortlessly. It can opt at the initial level of learning app designing. But, it is certainly not a good choice when it comes to developing software for large scale organizations. It drinks away a lot of time for developers, and the deadline of creating apps gets extended. The positive side is that the language allows ease of code readability for programmers. Python programming is also easily compatible with different platforms which in turn help developers to reduce the chances of code alteration while taking an app development project to other platforms. This advantage also makes it highly used languages by developers. 

Final Words: 

After making a comparison between Python and Swift, it can be said that both languages have pros and cons. It solely depends on the developers to decide on choosing the language according to the industry for which the application must be developed. If the programmers have to give software in very fewer days, then Swift must be opted. But, if the client does not have a good budget for app development, then Python is also not a bad choice. If you are an entrepreneur and looking forward to developing your first app, then feel free to contact us. As a leading app development company, we have a team of commendable developers having a rich experience to design software as per the requirement of clients.

Nikita Tak

Nikita Tak is a prolific blogger who loves to learn and research about IT industry. She loves writing literary contents, and blogs on different topics such as IT technology, banking, etc.

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